Page 17 of To Win a Rebel
She rolled her eyes, and he couldn’t deny that she looked so cute while she was doing that. He stroked some of her hairback from her cheek.
“Seeing as I can’t be blamed for finding your body irresistible, and seeing as I was a good boy last night and brought you to at least two orgasms, without touching your tits, tell me what you said?”
Molly sighed and shook her head. “You know you really shouldn’t be cute when you say stuff like that.”
“But?” he asked.
“You are cute, and you know it.”
She rolled her eyes. “Fine, I was actually talking about you and the fact that you have been giving me all these orgasms, and you haven’t had a single one.” Her gaze began to travel down his body. “And I was thinking that … you know, I might be able to kind of help you with that.”
Nate put both of his hands behind his head and looked up at her. “You’re offering to help me have an orgasm?”
“I … yeah, I am.” She sat up and attempted to pull the blanket around her body, and he was not having any of that, so he tugged on the blanket, refusing to let her hide from him. “I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“Well, tell me, what do you want to do?” he asked.
There was that blush that stained her cheeks and looked so sexy. He felt his cock thicken even more. Glancing down at her lips, he knew exactly what he wanted her to do, but he also wouldn’t take her out of her comfort zone.
This was about the two of them, and Nate was more than ready to go all the way. He was already all in, but Molly still seemed a little skittish. He didn’t want to scare her off, and knew that was a risk if he wasn’t careful.
“I … I’d like to taste you,” she said. “I mean, if you want me to.”
“Molly, I’d love to have those lips wrapped around my cock, but only if you’re ready. I’m not going to rush you intoanything.”
He saw the smile on her lips. “What?” he asked.
“You’re not going to rush me into anything, but yet, you pursued a date with me and then told me what you knew, and, well, our history is kind of like, I don’t know, both of us rushing a little bit, right?”
“Now that you put it like that, yeah, it is, but for a good reason.”
“What reason?” Molly asked.
“I don’t want to wait any more and risk you being with someone else. I know you’ve dated, and I’ve hated every asshole I’ve seen you with. I don’t think I deserve you, Molly, but I want the chance to show you how good you and I can be together.”
Chapter Eight
Molly didn’t know what to say or do. For several seconds she was speechless as she just stared at him. He lifted up, cupping her cheek, and she stared into his eyes, knowing with all certainty that he was telling the truth. She didn’t know how she knew this, just that she did.
“You’re not lying,” she said, not intending to blurt the words out.
“I won’t lie to you, Molly. I have no reason to, and I would never jeopardize my life with you.” He leaned in close and took possession of her lips.
This felt different. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but there was something a little different with the kiss. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to let go, giving in to the kiss, as she put her hands on his chest, and then pressed him back toward the bed.
Molly worked on instinct. She threw her leg across him, moving to seat herself against his naked cock, feeling him against her exposed pussy. In that moment, she had completely forgotten they were naked. Jerking back and breaking the kiss, she stared down at him, a little stunned. She didn’t know what to say, as she felt the pleasure of him merely touching her bare pussy.
“What is it? What’s the matter?” he asked.
There were no words, nothing she could say. It was the strangest feeling, but as she leaned down, she kissed his lips a single time before trailing them back toward his ear.
“I’m ready.”
Molly had never been sure of anything in her life, even when writing her books and getting them ready for submission. Each step she had doubts, questioned what she was doing. Even the purchase of this place after her parents’ passing. Everydecision she made in her life always came with a series of doubts, but straddling Nate Sinclair’s body, hearing the words he spoke to her just moments ago, there was not a single doubt. She knew she wanted to feel him inside her, to be with him.
There was no fear. Just absolute certainty.
“You’re sure?” he asked.