Page 3 of To Win a Rebel
“You want to pay for yourself?”
“No, I want to win this auction and take Molly out on a date. You, my best friend, will win a night with me, and I’m springing this on you so you’ve got time to tell Bethany. To make it authentic, bring her along, you could both vote for me.”
Randy shook his head. “Not going to happen.”
“We both know Bethany would find this hilarious.”
“She would find it hilarious, but she would also find it more entertaining watching you with Molly, so I think you should both expect an invite to dinner.”
“I wouldn’t miss it.”
Randy shook his head, then made his way out of the lot and headed in the direction of his home.
He knew the kind of games Molly played. Just as he knew her little secret, but he had no intention of telling the town they had a spicy author in the mix. How he had come to that knowledge was purely coincidence.
Molly had left a little crumb of temptation—her USB thumb drive—at the diner. Nate had picked it up with every intention of taking it to her, but the day had gone on and he ended up taking it home. The truth was, with all the work hehad, he’d forgotten about it. Until he sat down at home with a beer, and then it had been too delectable to let go. He discovered Molly’s secret, and read several of them.
There was a lot more to Molly than met the eye, and he intended to tell her what he knew, but instead he decided to become a fan. He discovered her secret a year ago, and during that time he’d been reading her books—old and new—and he liked Molly’s thinking.
He had also come to see that not long after she had an interaction with him, there was always a book out with a certain rebel biker or mechanic. He was no biker, he just loved his bike, fixing cars, and had come to love his reputation as well.
There was a passion inside Molly, desperate to break free, and he was more than happy to be the man that helped her do that.
Chapter Two
Molly was not panicking. The auction, so far, had gone well. Several of the most eligible bachelors had been won and gone for a good price as well, but she knew they could have done better.
All the women in the crowd looked hungry for one man, and he was up next.
She took a deep breath. She hated being the center of attention, but seeing as this was her idea, she had to see it through to the end. They had raised plenty of money for the school, and she was very happy.
She knew she couldn’t be selfish tonight. Those kids deserved the best, so she forced a smile to her lips, hoping people were broke.
Molly didn’t know how she was going to be able to get through a whole date with Nate. They were like chalk and cheese. He was outgoing, and she much preferred being in her pretend world, where it felt safer. She knew if her parents were alive still, they would be telling her to stop being such a fusspot.
Staring out into the crowd, she saw a lot of hungry faces, and she’d purposefully left Nate until last. The only problem was she had raised more than enough money for the school and the library. Every cent and dollar counted, and even though this was the last thing she wanted to do, she knew she had to do it.
“So, ladies and gentleman, last, but certainly not least—” she stopped as the crowd went a little wild. She happened to notice that all women, even married ones, were going a little crazy, even to the annoyance of their husbands.
She attempted to stifle a smile, but she couldn’t help it. There was nothing wrong with putting Nate up for auction. It certainly didn’t mean anything.
“Settle down, settle down, I know we’re all lookingforward to who is next,” Molly said, hoping to play along.
She had been giving introductions to the men, and the few women that had entered, and still wished to be put up for auction. Again, the school board said offering women up was tacky. She had to get consent forms, and the women were insistent in still competing. They wanted to help in whatever way they could to raise money. Molly didn’t see an issue, and she felt tonight had gone well so far.
“This man doesn’t really need an introduction. He’s the rebel, the mechanic, the guy who loves to take the last slice of pecan pie. Please give some applause for Nate Sinclair.”
It was an old rumor that if there was any kind of pecan pie, Nate would take it. The man had a sweet tooth. Again, she didn’t know this personally.
The crowd went crazy as Nate stepped onto the stage, and she rolled her eyes, because of course he’d taken off his shirt. His muscles were well known by a lot of women.
While the crowd lapped him up, and Molly had no problem with them attempting to raise the money, she had a feeling they were going to struggle with him. She gave it another few minutes, but then realized she was stalling, so she waved her arms.
“Quiet down, quiet down, I am going to start the bidding at fifty, do I hear fifty?”
And the crowd went crazy.
Fifty suddenly went to a hundred. She expected it to go up in increments of twenty, but nope. This got taken right out of her hand. One hundred went to two, then four, then six. There was no order in the bidding. All too soon they were at a thousand, and had already gone over the highest bid. Nate was on top.