Page 2 of Devil
I’m alone and lost. No one is coming to save me.
In this moment, everything clicks into place, like the last piece of a puzzle.
I have to end this.
Closing the door behind me, I run into the living room, finding a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. I’ve never smoked a day in my life, but tonight calls for it. Bringing the tobacco to my lips, I flick the lighter, the paper burning loudly as I inhale. Falling into a coughing fit, my eyes water as my throat burns.
Fuck, that hurts.
As my hacking dissolves, I bring the cigarette back to my lips, inhaling again.
No coughing this time.
Glancing around my shithole house, I don’t feel sad or sentimental. All I feel is anger and resentment.
My mother threw me away for drugs.
For men.
She didn’t protect me from these predators. She didn’t believe me when I told her what they were doing to me.
Slowly, I inch my way back to the window beside the couch. Lifting the lighter once again, I flick it twice before the flame rises. The orange and yellow glow settles my racing heart, bringing a sense of peace to the chaos, snuffing out the anxiety.
There’s beauty in destruction and it’s time for me to lay waste to everything destroying me.
Holding the lighter to the curtain, the cheap material catches quickly, heading straight for the disgusting couch where mom usually sits to get high. The fabric drips as it burns and though it smells terrible, I stare into the flames a few moments longer.
A grin tugs at my lips as I head for the door. Stepping through the threshold, I glance over my shoulder one last time at the shitty house of horrors.
“Burn in hell, Mom.”
Chapter One
That pretty much sums it up.
I’m a damaged girl with a rotten soul. I fucking hate people. Not to mention I’m broke, living in a shitty camper on the outskirts of town. It wasn’t my first choice, but it’s mine, bought with the money I worked my ass off for.
I’m your typical sob story.
My daddy died.
My mother turned into a junkie.
She had men in and out of our shitty shack. She fucked them for dope, for cigarette money, and for food. We had a revolving front door that never stopped spinning, a different man coming through it every couple of days.
Oh, and it didn’t bother her the men she fucked, stopped by my room on their way out the door.
The last one took my virginity.
In more ways than one.