Page 58 of Devil
And hers.
They call me Devil.
They’re about to enter my hell.
Pulling into the vacant lot next to the warehouse, I cut the engine. A flicker of movement catches my eye at the side of the building when I exit the truck.
Fucking rat, Jonah.
It seems like Max isn’t the only delusional motherfucker in my crew. He’s obviously corrupted my guys, most likely spinning a tale of how much better things will be if he’s the boss.
There’s a forty-five tucked in the waistband at my back. A hunting knife on each hip. Reaching behind the driver’s seat, my hand grips my pride and joy, an AK-47 with a seventy-five-round drum.
While it may be over kill, why the fuck not?
I knew he wouldn’t be alone. Cowards never are.
I cringe inwardly, knowing Nova is going to be pissed she missed this.
Pulling it from behind the seat, I place the strap across my body, the assault rifle resting against my bullet proof vest. I grab two thirty-round magazines, slipping them into my back pockets.
I came prepared.
There’s no point trying to be stealthy since that little cunt saw me. I slam the door of the truck, heading towards the warehouse.
Kicking in the door, I raise the AK in my hands, spraying bullets across the entire fucking building. Stray bullets wiz by my head, barely missing me as I continue peppering the place until every person I see hits the ground. I haven’t seen Max or Lacey yet, but as I walk further into the area, more shots ring out.
So many faces I recognize as my own men, but there are some who are strangers.
They bleed the same.
I pick them off one by one until the drum is empty. Ducking behind a beam, I pull out a magazine, popping it in easily. Some men groan on the ground while others scatter, trying to find cover. As they take off running, I put them down like the pieces of shit they are.
There are bodies everywhere. Some dead, some wounded. My eyes dart around, looking for anyone else. I spot Jonah in the corner. We lock eyes and he drops his gun, lifting his hands in surrender.
“Where is he?” I snarl.
‘W-we were the distraction. H-he knew you’d come.”
I freeze.
Dropping the gun, it hangs from my body as I reach for the forty-five at my back. Raising it in the air, I shoot him point blank between the eyes. As I sprint from the warehouse, I pull out my last ‘fuck you’ from my front pocket. Yanking out the pin, I toss the grenade to the floor and run like hell.
Bursting through the door, I make a hard dash for my truck, jumping inside, tossing the AK in the passenger seat.
Tires screech as I throw it in reverse, flooring the gas pedal. The truck spins around once I hit the asphalt, not touchingmy brakes as I shift it into drive. A loud explosion rattles the windows and the pavement, but I don’t look back.
While I have faith my security system will hold Max off from getting to Nova, how long will it last?
I don’t know how they found out where we live, but they’re about to regret it. The pedal hits the floorboard and I speed through town, everything a blur. The closer I get, the more my vision dims, my chest thumping with a dangerous force. My skin is crawling, and I want to claw it from my bones. Everything feels wrong.
My phone dings with a notification.
Pulling up the feed, I see two figures standing in our yard.
Max and Lacey.