Page 6 of Devil
We play this game for the rest of the night. It’s fucking ridiculous but I can’t control myself, constantly looking his direction. Every time I feel the familiar prickles along my skin, I know he’s watching me.
Has he always done this, and I’ve never noticed? I’m usually preoccupied with customers and cleaning, but it’s hard to believe I’ve never felt him like this before.
“Have a good one, Nova.” Joe says, interrupting my thoughts. He leans over the bar, lowering his voice. “Quit staring at him, girl. He’s bad news.”
Rolling my eyes, I pop his arm with the dish towel. “See you tomorrow, Joe.”
After I finish cleaning up, I realize it’s closing time. I look up to see Devil is the only one left in the bar. He stands slowly, the chair scraping across the floor. The sound startles me even though I’m looking at him. Quickly, I busy myself, wiping down the already cleaned countertops.
A large, tattooed hand slaps the bar beside me, and I jump at the sound. My body hums at his closeness, but he turns before I can see his face. He leaves without saying a word and only then do I notice the two-hundred dollars he left behind.
Staring at the bills like they may bite me, I try to wrap my head around the mystery man’s behavior.
There’s something about him that intrigues me, and I can’t put my finger on it.
No one has captured my attention since Colt, and the first person who does is called Devil.
Sliding the money from the bar top, I slip it into my back pocket. While it’s too much, he obviously wants me to have it.
And I’m a broke bitch.
Heading towards the back, I grab the last few bags of garbage to take to the dumpster while Lacey finishes mopping. The owner of the bar, Jared, never stays until closing, so us girls end up doing everything.
Opening the back door, I peek outside to make sure no one is hanging around. A cool breeze hits my face, and an eerie feeling sends a shudder down my spine. Closing the distance tothe dumpster, I quickly raise the lid, throwing the trash inside. Before I can take a step back, a large hand grips my bicep painfully, spinning me around.
My gaze collides with Emmett, a dumbass who spends most of his paycheck at the bar. He’s asked me out multiple times and usually Lacey steps in to run interference. He’s a few years older than me and not a bad looking guy, but I’m not interested. He refuses to take no for an answer.
“You shouldn’t be out here by yourself, sugar.” He grins and my stomach churns. He’s sloppy drunk, but he doesn’t look like the guy I’m used to seeing. Something sinister lurks behind his usually playful eyes.
“What are you doing out here, Emmett?” I snap, trying to jerk my arm from his hold.
He grips me harder, pushing me against the wall next to the dumpster. The alcohol on his breath makes my eyes water, the smell strong and foul. He didn’t come in tonight, so he must’ve gotten drunk somewhere else.
“Let me go, asshole!” I grit out, my knee coming up, but he twists to the side, dodging the blow meant for his balls.
He laughs darkly, pressing his body against mine, pinning me in place. His hands squeeze my breasts as I squirm to get away. “I’ve tried to be a gentleman, Nova, but I think you’re a bad girl who needs a man to take it.”
My blood boils at his words, my veins feeling like they’re about to explode from the pressure. “Already been done, you fucking twat.” I slam my forehead into his and he stumbles back, letting out a string of curses. Pushing myself off the wall, I get all of two steps before he grabs me again, backhanding me across the face.
“You fucking bitch!” He shoves me down to the ground, dropping to his knees. He cages my legs between his own, hisfingers working the button on my jeans. My body curls, my fists swinging at his face and chest.
I have to get this motherfucker off me.
The pop of my button is loud, and he pulls down my zipper as I scream and fight.
A shadow appears behind him, and I freeze.
Please don’t be one of his friends coming to join in.
Before another thought passes through my mind, the figure grabs Emmett by the hair, shoving a knife into the back of his skull. He stops moving immediately, his mouth gaping open as his bloodshot eyes stare down at me. A trail of blood runs down his neck, soaking into the fabric of his shirt.
My gaze slides to the shadow behind him, unable to make out any of his features. But judging by the buzzing along my skin, I know exactly who it is.
He pulls the knife from Emmett’s skull, shoving him in the side of the head. He falls to the ground beside me, and I jump to my feet, hurrying to button my pants. My savior turns to walk away, but I can’t let him leave just yet. “Hey!”
He stops without turning around.