Page 61 of Devil
“Just keep going, Colt.” I urge.
His blue eyes find mine and I see how dark and tortured they are in the gleam of the streetlights. He didn’t think he’d get to me in time and it’s obvious he’s reeling from it.
“I don’t run, Nova. Neither do you. We fucking fight.” He growls.
I nod, knowing he’s right. Max’s surprise attack fucked me up but it’s time to put my big girl panties back on.
It doesn’t matter if we make it through this night or not. We’re together and that’s everything we need. In this life or the next, we belong to each other. “I’ll lean out of the window and shoot at them.”
“No. We’re about to turn the tables.” He grins and I realize Colt isn’t here right now. The man beside me is the devil incarnate. “Hold on, little demon. Shit is about to get rough.”
Chapter Thirty
She’s okay.
She’s beside me.
I got there in time.
I’ve never been more terrified in my fucking life. I didn’t know what I’d see when I crashed into the cabin. All I knew was I had to get her out of there, still breathing, still mine. She was taking cover behind the kitchen island. Glancing at her hands in her lap, my smart girl found the gun I put in her nightstand after she was attacked. I wanted to kick my own ass for not doing it before. She hasn’t memorized the code to the gun safe yet, and I couldn’t stand the thought of her being without a weapon.
I knew Max and his cunt would come after us. I fucking counted on it. He wants to be head dick too badly to see the consequences of what he’s done. But I didn’t expect him to bring the fight to my front door. That will be his last mistake.
His jeep closes in, and I grin. We’re doing ninety-five in a fifty, but the cops are never out this way. It’s why I chose this route, a split-second decision when I pulled in the driveway at home.
Nothing will stop me from killing this motherfucker tonight.
“Get ready, baby. When I say ‘now’, shoot his tires.” She nods, sliding back to her side, twisting in her seat. “Stay how you are, he’ll be in front of us in just a second.
“What?” She asks, but as he’s about to tap my bumper, I jerk the wheel, flying to the opposite lane, letting off the gas.
The jeep passes us, just as I knew he would and I give the order, rolling down her window. “Now!”
She aims her pistol, rapidly firing at the tires. She hits the front and back on the driver’s side, the jeep spinning out of control. I see the moment he overcompensates the wheel, and it flips, not stopping until it lands in the ditch just ahead.
“Holy shit!” Nova whispers, looking at me with wide eyes.
Pulling in behind the crash scene, I throw the truck in park, gripping her forearm and dragging her closer. “You did good, baby. I’m so fucking proud of you.” Our lips crash together, the fear of never tasting her again slowly fading.
She crawls onto my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck. “You saved me again.”
“You’re a fucking demon, Nova. You don’t need saving, but I’ll always come for you.”
I lean in, my lips only a breath away from hers, when she jerks back. “Bandit!”
“Where is he?”
“I locked him in the bathroom when I knew something was wrong.” Her eyes fill with tears, and I kiss her.
“He’s okay, baby. As soon as we finish here, we’ll go get him.” Fuck, I hope they didn’t kill her damn raccoon.
“How’s your head?”
“Let’s just say it feels like I was in that car when it flipped.” She sniffles.