Page 22 of The Fragile Truth
“I called Casey,” Madeline answered. “He assured me he was on his way.”
“I have deadlines to meet, and I’ll not let the renovation of the hotel be stymied by Lina’s antics,” Effie blustered, color creeping into her cheeks.
Ian understood where Effie was coming from. She was the interior designer overseeing the hotel renovations. That’s how she and Talon met. Effie was living at the hotel for the duration of the job. Or until she married Talon and moved into his mansion. Not that Ian was privy to the inner workings of their relationship. His assumption was based on the fact that Talon seemed crazy about Effie.
Talon’s jaw tightened. “The renovation can wait. Nothing is more important than keeping you safe.”
Effie’s eyes widened as her voice rose. “Y’all are assuming that Lina will come after me. But what’s to stop her from going after you?” She looked at Talon as she spoke.
Madeline let out a frustrated sigh. “That’s the problem. It’s Lina we’re talking about. We don’t know what she’ll do.”
The truth of Madeline’s words came at Ian in a hard punch. “You’re right,” he uttered. “Lina is capable of anything. She has no remorse. No conscience.”
“That’s why she needs to be found,” Josette growled, turning her venom on Ian. “Why aren’t you doing something? Are you just gonna sit on your laurels and wait for her to hurt someone else? It’s your fault that she escaped.”
The hair on the back of his neck bristled. It was all he could do to keep his voice even as he spoke. “Begging your pardon, ma’am, but the minute the judge dictated that Lina be placed on house arrest in Wilmington, my hands were tied. I’m a sheriff, not a bounty hunter. My responsibility is to the citizens who reside on Honeysuckle Island and in Summerhaven.” It ran through his brain that he’d said something similar when the meeting first started. Well, evidently, Miss High and Mighty needed to hear it again.
Josette harrumphed, rolling her eyes.
“We recognize that,” Banks said briskly, giving his mother an irritated look before turning his attention back to Ian. “What can you do to help the situation?”
Now they were getting down to business. “Like I said, I can provide around-the-clock protection. The most effective way to do this would be to put Effie in protective custody.”
Effie’s face fell. “No! That won’t work.”
“Be reasonable,” Talon urged.
“I am being reasonable!” Her words flew out in balls of fury. “The last time Lina disappeared, she was gone for a year. I can’t just give up everything I’ve worked for and hide out. Lina may never be found.”
A dense silence descended over the room until finally, Madeline spoke. “Effie’s right. We have to continue our lives as normal.”
“No,” Talon shot back as he looked at Effie. “I can’t risk losing you.”
His haunted expression tore at Ian’s insides. Talon had rebuilt his life and had found a good woman to love. He didn’t want Lina to rip everything away. Ian understood exactly how Talon felt. An image of Sadie flashed through his mind. He saw her soft, blonde hair and lively golden-brown eyes, which often simmered with mischief. Kissing her on the beach had shot adrenaline through Ian’s blood, making him feel emotions he never thought he’d experience again. While their relationship was just beginning, being with Sadie gave him a glimpse into a future where he could find healing. A future where he could start anew and put the hurt of Lina behind him once and for all.
No chance of that now. Lina had to be found and put away for good. That’s the only way any of them could have a moment’s peace.
A single knock sounded at the door before Casey rushed into the room. His face was beet red. “Sorry I’m late.” He slumped down in the chair to the right of Ian and pushed his glasses back up on his nose. He sat at the edge of his seat, his body pulled taut like he might jump up any minute. He looked around, his gaze going to Madeline. “What did I miss?”
“We were making sure that Effie has adequate protection,” Madeline answered crisply. “Can you recommend a handful of top-notch bodyguards?”
“You bet,” Casey answered. He turned to Ian, throwing him a challenging look. “How could you and your people let Lina escape?”
“I’m glad someone has the good sense to ask the right questions,” Josette scoffed.
A hard laugh rattled Ian’s throat as he shook his head. Casey’s behavior was classic misdirection. He wanted to shift the attention to Ian to get himself off the hot seat, so he could cover up his tardiness.
Before Ian could respond, Banks took charge of the conversation. “We’ve already discussed this.” He lasered in on Casey with such blistering eyes that it caused the portly man to wither in his seat. “You can get up to speed on your own time,” Banks continued in a clipped tone that left no room for argument.
Casey nodded, his face turning purple. When Banks Chasing spoke, people listened.
Banks zeroed in on Ian. “The minute Effie’s brother leaves this island, she will need some sort of police protection.”
“But—” Effie protested.
Banks talked over her as he held up a hand, his voice ringing with authority. “However, I don’t feel it’s necessary for Effie to go into some sort of custody arrangement where she’s locked away like a prisoner.”
“Thank you,” Effie uttered in relief.