Page 18 of To Steal a Heart
He threw her a smile so dazzling that it made her a touch dizzy. “So you’re a romantic.”
“I suppose a part of me is. Life has its ups and downs, but I’d like to think that with enough effort and persistence, it’s possible to achieve a real-life happily ever-after … tailored to the specific characters, of course.”
He began stroking feather-light, maddening circles over her skin with this thumb. “A pragmatic romantic,” he mused.
She laughed. The sound came out too high-pitched in her own ears. Crew was making her as giddy as a sixteen-year-old out on her first date. She needed to stop gushing over him.Get a grip, Arden.“I suppose I am. What are you? A realist or a romantic?”
His eyes lit with amusement. “Do you have to ask?”
She studied him for a few beats before answering. “Actually, I do.”
A partial smile touched his lips. “Care to explain?”
Her brain worked fast to organize her thoughts. She felt like she was missing some key element that would help her begin to understand Crew. “When we first met in the dance class, you struck me as guarded. I pegged you as more of an intellectual introvert. Granted, you had on your glasses.” She paused. “Still, you seem totally different now.”
His expression remained impassive. “How so?”
“You’re Mr. Charm, oozing charisma and confidence. I can’t quite figure you out.”
He blinked in surprise as he released her hand. “I’m sorry, I’m coming on too strong.” He threw her a rueful grin. “It’s a habit I’m trying to break.”
“Don’t get me wrong. I don’t mind,” she inserted quickly.
He looked relieved. “You don’t?”
“No,” she stated emphatically. “I respect a man who goes after what he wants.”
“Good to know.” He sat back in his seat and gave her a quizzical look. “Can’t an intellectual introvert be charming?”
She laughed. “Obviously, the answer isyes.” She motioned to him.
He probed her with perceptive eyes. “What is it about me that’s bothering you?”
She nibbled on her lower lip. “Nothing’s bothering me. It’s just that you didn’t seem overly interested in me at dance class. And now, I’m getting the vibe that you are. I just want to make sure that we’re on the same page.” Arden prided herself on being a straight shooter. Her candor intimidated some men and ostracized others … namely Hector. It was better to get everything out in the open. Err, everything except for her identity. That would have to come later. In the meantime, she needed to reveal as much of her true self to Crew as she possibly could.
He looked her in the eye, his expression intense. “I’m interested.”
A firestorm of attraction whooshed through her. “Good to know,” she said lightly, repeating his words. As tempting as it was to rush full force into whatever this was, Arden didn’t want to come off as desperate. It couldn’t hurt to play a little hard to get.
He took in a deep breath and began fiddling with his napkin. “I’m sorry I’ve been sending mixed signals. I have a habit of coming on too strong.” He grimaced. “Like I said, I’m trying to break myself of that.”
She creased her brows. “You don’t have to pretend to be something that you’re not. It’s okay to show me your true self. I can handle it.” Even as she spoke the words, she felt like a hypocrite. Shouldn’t she trust Crew enough to tell him who she really was?
He studied her as if trying to decide if he could take her at her word. “Okay, you want it straight?”
She didn’t flinch. “Absolutely.”
“I noticed you right away at the dance class.”
She was immensely surprised and flattered. “You did?”
He nodded and then threw her a pained smile. “Yeah, but I’ve made the mistake of being too overbearing in the past.” He hesitated. “I saw that meathead you were partnered with come onto you and how you shot him down in two-seconds flat.” He shrugged. “I was afraid that if I came on too strong, I’d scare you off.”
“I don’t scare easily.”And you’re nothing like that meathead, her mind added. Didn’t he realize that most of the women in the class had been drooling over him? Crew could have his pick of women. Surely, he had to know that.
A smile filled his face. “I noticed that.” He shook his head, chuckling. “It was priceless seeing you go on the rampage and trying to pull that guy out of your car.”
She made a face. “My temper has been known to get the best of me.”