Page 37 of To Steal a Heart
“I know.” She got a fiendish delight in picturing Sylvia and Hector’s faces when they saw Crew on her arm. “Back to Grandmother. Crew’s witty. I think he could go head-to-head with Grandmother without any problem.”
“I hope you’re right, for his sake and yours.”
“I’m right,” she muttered under her breath. “The first hurdle is to tell Crew the truth, and then I’ll go from there.” She forced a bright tone into her voice. “Wish me luck.”
“Good luck,” Olivia grunted. “You’ll need it.”
* * *
“Where are we headed?” Arden cast a sidelong glance at Crew, who was driving them in his SUV.
He flashed a mysterious grin. “You’ll see.” He reached for her hand and laced his fingers through hers. Arden welcomed the energy that zinged through her as warmth from his skin flowed into hers. Tonight was the first time that she’d seen Crew all dressed up. The sight of him in white trousers, a navy sports coat, and a button-down dress shirt open at the neck nearly took her breath away. He truly was movie-star handsome with his quick smile and bright blue eyes. She glanced down at her forest green evening gown. It was the same one she’d worn to the Founder’s Day Celebration when everything fell apart with Hector. Arden was pleased to note that the gown was slightly loose. Her hard work with controlling her portions and exercising was paying off. The greatest payoff was seeing the look of appreciation in Crew’s eyes when he saw her.
“You’re absolutely gorgeous,” he’d murmured as he pulled her in for a kiss. She’d drank in the spicy scent of his cologne as she melted into him.
Ever since she’d spoken to Olivia on the phone this morning, a prayer had repeated through her mind.Please help me to know how to tell Crew the truth. And please help him to understand. Help him to forgive me for lying.
Tears clouded her vision. She blinked furiously to stay them. She couldn’t break down now. Crew seemed to sense her distress. He squeezed her hand as he glanced in her direction, concern etching his handsome features. “Is everything okay?”
“Great,” she chimed as she offered what she hoped was a convincing smile.
A few minutes later, Arden was surprised when they pulled up to the security gate at The Pebble Beach Country Club. “We have reservations at the Stillwater Bar & Grill at the Lodge,” Crew announced to the guard.
He nodded and let them pass.
Arden turned to Crew. “The Stillwater Bar & Grill, huh? That sounds swanky.”
He grinned. “Just wait.”
“There’s more?”
“You’re going to be pleasantly surprised.”
Arden assumed that they would park in the self-parking lot. Her eyes widened when he pulled them up to the front and used the valet service.
“You’re pulling out all the stops tonight,” she said as he placed his hand on her spine and navigated her into The Lodge. Arden assumed they’d go straight to the restaurant, but Crew directed her onto the terrace instead. The space was filled with well-dressed people sipping wine while laughing and talking. She gave Crew a questioning look. “I don’t understand.”
He scoped the area and then grinned in satisfaction. “Ah, there he is.”
“Who?” she asked dubiously, trying to figure out who Crew was seeing.
He turned to her, eyes brimming with excitement. “Remember how you said you wanted to meet Zachary Kipling?”
Alarm punched through her gut. “Yes,” she croaked.
He flashed her a proud smile. “Well, now you can.”
She went blistering hot all over as a roaring started in her ears. Crew’s voice seemed to be coming from far away.
“While I was on the job site this week, I overheard Samantha, the homeowner, talking about attending a birthday celebration for one of the locals. She happened to mention that Zachary Kipling would be there. I figured you could speak to Zachary, and then we’ll go to the restaurant and have dinner.”
She moistened her lips as a shaky laugh hiccuped from her throat. “I’m not sure that Zachary Kipling will appreciate being ambushed. I should probably just make an appointment.”
“Nah, what would be the fun in that?” His eyes sparkled. “Come on, Arden. Where’s your sense of adventure?”
“I don’t think—”
Before she could finish her sentence, he waved an arm and called loudly. “Zachary! Over here.”