Page 39 of To Steal a Heart
An oppressive silence descended over them as he drove. His jaw was razor sharp, hands clutching the steering wheel.
Arden sucked in a heavy breath and let it out slowly. Her pulse was pounding so furiously against her temples that it was making her dizzy. She looked down and realized that she was squeezing her hands so tightly that her fingernails had left indentations in her palms. Her body was trembling all over. She looked at Crew again, hoping against hope that she could make him understand. A tear slipped from the corner of her eye and dribbled down her cheek. She had to hold it together. She offered a silent prayer, asking for strength. She should probably be praying for forgiveness and also for lying. However, right now, she needed to focus on mending her relationship with Crew before she could think about anything else.
He drove for what seemed like an eternity before he found a spot to pull over. They were perched on a cliff that overlooked the ocean. Any other time, Arden would have been awestruck by the foamy white surf and mist created by the crashing waves or the pink and orange swirls pushing across the evening sky. However, all she could think about right now was Crew. She angled to face him. It took all the effort she could summon to keep her voice even as she spoke. “I owe you an explanation.”
His eyes narrowed to dark slits. “I’m listening.”
She took in a breath, trying to compose her thoughts. “My real name is Arden Chasing. My family is wealthy and well-known on the East Coast.” Her voice sounded flat and devoid of emotion in her own ears. When he remained silent, she continued, “I’m not an aspiring author. I’m a New York Times Bestselling Author.” She watched for a reaction, but he stared straight ahead, his jaw hard. “My best friend Olivia is the woman that Xavier Kipling tried to kill. Olivia’s harrowing experience is what prompted me to want to write my story.”
She swallowed, continuing, “I told you that my last relationship ended because Hector thought I was too bold and outspoken. That’s partly true. However, I’m the one who broke things off when I realized that Hector was only with me because I’m a Chasing. He never cared about me. I was his ticket into the world of the Chasings.” Tears burned her eyes. “You can’t imagine what it’s like to never know if someone is with me because of who I am or because of who my family is.”
He turned to her, a wild look in his eyes. “Do you think so little of me that you couldn’t trust me with the truth?”
She touched his arm. “No. I know you’re with me because you care.”
“I do care,” he growled. “That’s the problem. I care too much!”
“Really?” she squeaked.
His expression softened. “Yes.”
The dam broke as tears streamed down her cheeks. “Can you ever forgive me?”
He pressed his lips together in hard lines. “That depends.”
She took in a hard breath. “On what?”
“Aside from your last name … and the fact that you’re already writing books, are you still the same girl that I’ve enjoyed spending every minute with?”
“I am,” she answered, her voice sounding small in her own ears.
Compassion overtook his features. “Then the answer is a resoundingyes. Come here.” He opened his arms as she fell into him and buried her head in his chest. Her breath came in ragged gulps as she tried to choke back the sobs that wrenched her shoulders. He rubbed her back and let her get it all out. When she regained control of her emotions, she pulled back with an embarrassed chuckle. “I’m sorry,” she sniffed. “I’m a blubbering idiot.”
“A good cry never hurt anyone,” he said with a sideways grin.
She wished she had a tissue. Instead, she wiped her hands on her gown.
He sat back in his seat and shook his head. “I can’t believe my rotten luck.”
Her eyes rounded as the tension rushed back with a vengeance. “What?”
“I’m falling for a Chasing.” He made a face. “Granted, I had no idea what a Chasing was up until a short while ago, but it seems to be a big deal.”
She sniggered. “It can be. My life comes with a lot of complications.”
He shifted to face her. “That story about you hunting treasure ….”
Heat filled her cheeks. “Oliver Chasing was my grandfather. I grew up on Honeysuckle Island.”
“Ah, now I’m getting the full picture.” He looked thoughtful. “Would your brother Forge happen to be the same Forge Chasing who’s the YouTube star?”
She crinkled her face. “Yep. He’s the one.”
“I really like his videos. He’s full-out crazy, though, with all of those stunts that he performs.”
She giggled. “He is.”