Page 43 of To Steal a Heart
If only she felt fearless. For the past several months, Arden had harbored resentment towards Sylvia and Hector. Could she find it in herself to act cordial to them? Or should she give them a piece of her mind?
Crew threw her a wink. “Let’s do this.” He navigated her towards the group. All the while, a legion of butterflies flapped up a storm in Arden’s stomach. She was hotter than a firecracker, and her dress suddenly felt like Saran wrap.
When Mom saw them, her countenance lit up. “Hello,” she began as a smile broke over her lips. “I’m so glad you came.” She embraced Arden in a tight hug as the sophisticated scent of Mom’s perfume invaded Arden’s senses. “I’ve missed you,” she breathed.
“I’ve missed you too,” Arden responded.
Dad grabbed her next. “Hey, honey. I’m so glad you’re here.”
“Hey, Dad.” Despite the situation, it was wonderful to see her parents. She’d not realized until this moment how much she’d missed being away from them.
Madeline extended her hand. “You must be Crew. Welcome.”
“Hello,” Crew responded as the two shook hands.
“Nice to meet you,” Dad boomed as he and Crew clasped hands. “Arden tells me you’re an architectural consultant.”
The two talked business for several minutes.
A bright smile formed over Sylvia’s ruby lips. “Arden,” she purred, “it was so good of you to come to my little party.” She stepped up to Arden and air-kissed her on both cheeks. Her expression grew tremulous as she searched Arden’s face. “I hope we can put all of that nasty unpleasantness behind us.”
Arden just looked at her and then shifted her focus to Hector. An undercurrent of red seeped beneath his skin as he gave Arden a curt nod.
“Hello. I hope you’ve been well,” he began in a stilted tone.
“I have,” she answered cheerfully. “No thanks to you.”
Mom shot her a warning look.
Hector touched his bowtie and looked away.
Sylvia’s smile remained fixed over her angular face, but her eyes shot daggers. Arden knew in that moment that Sylvia had no intention of mending fences. Her charade of kindness was for Mom’s benefit. Having no further wish to talk to either Sylvia or Hector, Arden turned her attention to Mom. “Where’s everyone?”
“You mean the rest of the family?” Madeline clarified.
“Of course,” Arden harrumphed. “Who else?” She couldn’t care less about any of the other guests.
“Talon and Effie are up in their room with Naomi. She’s worn out from playing in the pool all afternoon.”
Arden rolled her eyes. “Lucky Talon and Effie. They have an excuse to get out of the party. Maybe I should go and check on them.”
Madeline laughed nervously as she glanced at Sylvia. “Arden, you don’t mean that.”
“But I do,” Arden countered.
Sylvia’s face turned bright red, and she looked like she was two breaths away from blowing her cork.
“No offense, Syl,” Arden said sweetly. “You know I’ve never been much for these shindigs. Where are Forge and Charlie?”
Madeline looked around. “They’re here somewhere.”
“They went up to check on Talon, Effie, and Naomi,” Dad interjected.
Arden chuckled. “Ah, now the truth comes out. They don’t want to be here anymore than I do.”
Mom’s hand went to her hip. “Can you at least pretend to be civil?”
“Of course,” Arden said easily. “Pretending is the name of the game when it comes to these parties, right?”