Page 61 of To Steal a Heart
A deep frown creased the corners of Grandmother’s thin lips as she leaned forward, examining the bracelet.
“Garrett gave it to you,” she surmised.
“Why would you say that?” Arden croaked. Grandmother’s astuteness was both impressive and terrifying.
She touched the pink diamond. “Interesting,” she mused.
Heat splashed over Arden. “It’s not what you think.”
Grandmother grunted. “How do you know what I’m thinking?”
Arden figured it was best to remain silent.
“Tell me about the bracelet and the diamond charm.”
Her heart pounding profusely against her chest, Arden took in a short breath. “Crew, or Garrett, gave me the bracelet when we were in the Hamptons. It was the night of Sylvia’s party.”
“Was the pink diamond on there?”
Sweat beads popped over Arden’s nose. “No.”
“When did he give it to you?”
The cat was clawing its way out of the bag. No holding it in. “A week ago. Crew broke into my bedroom while I was asleep and added the charm to my bracelet.” She shrugged. “That’s why I know that he’s coming for the diamond.”
Grandmother’s eyes narrowed to slits, causing the wrinkles around her eyes to fold into themselves. “Why didn’t you just say that?”
“I should’ve gone to the police right after it happened.”
“But you didn’t.”
Grandmother studied her. “Why not?”
She threw her hands into the air. “I dunno! Maybe I was tired of being part of a freak show.” Her voice went hoarse. “Maybe I didn’t want everything to start up again. Maybe I didn’t want to be reminded that I’m a fool who fell for the wrong man … again.”
“You’re still in love with him.”
Arden jerked so hard that her teeth rattled. “Why would you say that?”
“I can tell.”
She didn’t know if it was pity or amusement that she saw on Grandmother’s lined face.
“So what if I am,” she muttered. “It’s not like I want to be.”
A spark of vindication lit Grandmother’s watery eyes. “I told you that he was your match.”
An incredulous laugh riddled Arden’s throat. “So my match is a thief who used me to break into Sylvia’s home and steal her mask? That’s just great!” she seethed. “I have impeccable taste in men.”
Grandmother waved a hand in mild irritation. “Sylvia collected money from the insurance company. She’s too busy climbing the social ladder to fret over some mask.”
“That’s true,” Arden conceded.
Several beats passed at a snail’s pace before Grandmother muttered, “What I can’t figure out is why Garrett didn’t feel as though my necklace was worthy of stealing.”
Arden’s eyes rounded as she cackled out a chortle. “Are you serious?”