Page 79 of To Steal a Heart
Garrett took the opportunity to open the knife. The sight of the blade turned Arden’s stomach. She didn’t want to lose Garrett, but they had to do something. A knife seemed like their best option.
Arden made a motion to stand until Garrett uttered in a low tone, “Stay put.”
“Hello,” Katia began in a cultured tone. “As I said, it’s not a good time.”
“Where’s Arden?” Grandmother demanded.
“Not here,” Katia responded innocently. “I was just going to bed.”
Grandmother pushed her way into the room. When she saw the gun, she used her cane to whack Katia in the arm. The gun fell to the floor. Katia shoved Grandmother and dove for the gun. Dropping the knife, Garrett rushed at Katia and tackled her. They fell back against the wall as they wrestled for control of the gun. Garrett managed to position himself on top of Katia. He beat her hand against the floor, forcing her to release the gun.
Arden sprang to her feet and raced over to get the gun. She picked it up. “I’ve got the gun,” she announced to Garrett, who was trying to restrain Katia. All the while, she fought him like a wildcat, kicking and clawing.
“It’s over,” Arden screamed.
Her words seemed to register with Garrett, who released his hold on Katia’s arms and got to his feet.
A crazed look came into Katia’s eyes. She let loose a string of vile words before scooting back against the wall and drawing herself into a fetal position. Then, a sob wrenched her throat as she looked up at Garrett. “I love you.” Her voice grew childlike. “Why are you doing this? We were so good together.”
“No,” Garrett said flatly. “We weren’t. I only love one woman, and it’s not you. It never was.”
Casey Wilcock rushed into the room. His eyes rounded when he realized that Arden was holding a gun. He looked at Grandmother, who was standing off to the side, hugging her arms. He went to her side. “Are you okay? Sorry it took me a few extra minutes to get up here.”
“I’m okay now.” Josette threw Katia a scathing look. “That one has a touch of crazy in her. She’ll need to be restrained until Ian can get up here and take over.”
“I’ll call Ian now,” Casey said.
Grandmother looked at Garrett as she spoke. “You should probably call the FBI Agents too.”
Arden’s heart wrenched as the ramifications of Grandmother’s words set in. Garrett was a thief. He’d be prosecuted for his crimes—locked away in a cell. The logical part of her argued that criminals needed to be put away. However, Garrett was born to be free. He was so alive and spontaneous. She couldn’t imagine him being fettered.
She didn’t even realize that she was still pointing the gun at Katia until Casey stepped up and said, “I’ll take over from here.”
She gladly relinquished her hold on the gun. Now that the trauma was over, her body was shaky.
Garrett touched her arm. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” she sighed, offering him a wan smile. For all his faults, Garrett had shielded her body with his. He’d been willing to die for her. She longed to get Garrett alone so they could talk, but she needed to check on Grandmother first.
“How are you doing?” Arden questioned as she went over to her.
“Not bad for an old lady,” Grandmother answered dryly.
Arden looked her over. “Did you get hurt?”
“Nope. This cold-blooded snake is a lot tougher than she looks.” Grandmother flashed a thin grin.
She grimaced. “Um, about that. Sorry for those things I said.”
Amusement lit Grandmother’s eyes. “You apologizing? I never thought I’d see the day.”
“Better not get used to it,” Arden chuckled. She glanced around and spotted the cane on the floor. She went over and picked it up. She held it out to Grandmother. “I see you finally put this thing to good use.”
She clutched it in her bony hands before planting the tip of it into the floor to brace her weight. “Indeed.”
Tears bubbled in Arden’s eyes. “Well, you were right … about everything.”
She assumed Grandmother would act smug, but instead, her expression softened a smidgen. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”