Page 81 of To Steal a Heart
“And sons with unruly blond hair and eyes so blue you can look into them and see eternity.” Tears flowed crooked rivers down her cheeks, but she ignored them. A new plan took shape in her brain. “Okay, we’ll hire a lawyer—the best that money can buy. We’ll do whatever it takes to get you out of this situation.”
“I love you,” he murmured as his lips crushed hers.
She welcomed the delicious spirals that circled her spine as their mouths moved together in a familiar dance of passion. She slid her arms around his neck and pulled him close, desperate to keep him with her for as long as possible. She poured her soul into the kiss, holding nothing back.
When the kiss was over, she nestled her head into his chest, savoring the comfort of his strong arms.
“Don’t give up on me, Arden,” he murmured into her hair.
“Never,” she promised.
All too soon, Daniel Frank stepped out onto the balcony.
Reluctantly, Garrett released his hold on Arden. The cavalier grin that tugged at his lips nearly tore Arden’s heart out. “I’ll see you soon.”
She nodded as she hugged her arms and watched as the agent cuffed Garrett and led him away.
It had been several grueling days for Arden as she tried to sift through the aftermath of the heinous events that had occurred. She’d not seen Garrett since the FBI agent took him away. True to her word, Arden hired a power attorney to represent Garrett. According to the lawyer, he’d been to see Garrett, who was being held in custody and awaiting his initial court appearance. She’d pressed the attorney for more information, but he hadn’t been very forthcoming. She was starting to wonder if she should’ve hired someone else.
She’d made several attempts to contact Daniel Frank at the number on his business card. Each time, she’d left a message, demanding that he call her back. Her next step would be to pay a visit to the FBI field office in Wilmington. Come what may, Arden refused to give up.
To Arden’s dismay, Katia had been released on bail. It was disheartening to know that Katia was walking around free while Garrett was locked away. Arden was surprised that a judge had released an attempted murder suspect on bail. However, she figured that Astor might have had some sway with the judge.
Grandmother was livid when she found out that Katia had been released. She was concerned that Katia might return and attempt to harm Arden. She offered to hire bodyguards. However, Arden couldn’t stomach the thought of people watching her 24/7.
Mom and Dad were also worried about Arden’s safety. They urged her to stay with them on Honeysuckle Island for a few more weeks. Arden readily agreed. She was in no hurry to go back to San Francisco and face the emptiness of her condo. Also, she wanted to remain in North Carolina, where Garrett was being held.
Olivia had made a point of popping in a few times, which had been a welcome distraction. Olivia was a great listener. She’d allowed Arden to reminisce about all of the good memories she had of Garrett, and she’d listened patiently with an expression of sympathy as Arden cried her heart out.
She’d tried working on her next book, but her heart wasn’t in it. Most of the time, she found herself wandering out onto the balcony of her bedroom and staring aimlessly at the ocean. Something about the movement of restless waves helped to momentarily soothe her turmoil
Nights were the hardest. She had nightmares about Katia, where she was running through a field with Katia chasing her. Other times, Arden was on the beach and running after Garrett. The need to see him was overwhelming. She kept replaying those last few moments they were together over and over again in her head. The healing she felt knowing that Garrett truly loved her was overshadowed by the sharp pain she felt over their impossible situation.
She twisted herself around and glanced at the clock on the nightstand—two forty-five a.m. Ugh! She needed sleep, but it wouldn’t come! She was just lying there in a bundle of frustration. She closed her eyes and willed herself to relax. She pictured herself sailing on the crystal blue water with the sun beaming down. Garrett’s hair blew in the wind, and he threw her an adventurous grin. A tear slipped down her cheek as she buried her head in her pillow.
Finally, blessed sleep overtook her. She didn’t know how long it was before the dream started. Garrett’s lips grazed hers. She felt the tickle of his breath on her skin. Her lips parted in acceptance as she slid her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. It was so real. She could almost believe he was here with her. “Garrett,” she murmured.
Her eyes shot open as she sat up in bed. She noted with a sigh of relief that sunlight was flooding in through the double French doors. She’d managed to make it through another night. Yawning, she rubbed her eyes.
“Good morning, sleepy head.”
She jerked as she looked at the chair in the corner of the room. She looked and then looked again. “Garrett,” she uttered. Was this a dream?
A teasing grin tugged at his lips. “You’re adorable when you sleep.”
She rubbed a self-conscious hand over her hair, which she was sure was all over the place. He was wearing a white polo shirt, crisp white shorts, and docksider shoes. He looked as fresh and put together as always.
“H—how,” she stammered, “are you here?”
His liquid blue eyes sparkled with amusement as he spread his hands. “Do you really have to ask?”
She shook her head. “No, I mean, how did you get out of FBI custody? Did you escape?”