Page 77 of Prohibited
The mattress next to her shifted and she turned her head to see Alex watching them from a hair’s breadth away, a fact that caused a surge of dark pleasure. He had his head propped on his hand, eyes fixed on Ryan’s face. The intense hunger she saw there surprised her. For Ryan?
His eyes shifted to her and a small smile traced his lips. One of his beautiful fingers moved to her cheek and scooped up one of the tears he found there, and he slipped it into his mouth like it was a precious, delicate morsel.
“Come like a good girl for Ryan, Dolly.” Alex caught a fist of her hair in his hand and pressed his forehead against hers. His voice was thick with pleasure now, a shocking loss of composure. “He’s going to be a gentleman and won’t finish until you do.”
God, she didn’t know if she could prevent herself from coming if she tried. She was teetering on the edge, so precariously, brought closer and closer with each stroke of Ryan’s gorgeous cock plunging inside of her over and over again. Alex tugging on her hair, Ryan invading her body with pleasure. She was drowning in sensations,completely at the mercy of her senses. The sounds Ryan was making made her cunt clutch more tightly at his thick cock. She turned her head to look at his face–his expression the most beautiful thing she had ever seen, a look of pleasure so intense that it nearly destroyed her.
Glowing blue eyes boring into hers, he licked his thumb and found her clitoris with it, stroking the little bud with practiced perfection. The sudden addition of pleasurable sensation was more than she could bear. So close to the edge, she lost her voice, and even her ability to breathe.
“That’s it, Dolly,” Alex said next to her. But she couldn’t look at him, to see whether he was looking at her or at Ryan. Her eyes were rolling in the back of her head. Her hand found the hand that Ryan had around her ankle and clutched at it so hard that she might have drawn blood with her fingernails.
For one perfect moment of supernova, everything stopped.
And then the orgasm blew through her, more powerful than a tornado, ripping up everything she was as it went. A scream exploded from her throat, but was trapped neatly by Alex’s hand pressing over her mouth. She screamed and screamed as Ryan fucked her harder and harder, taking her all the way through her release, until she was reduced to a frail puddle of a human being.
Then, abruptly he pulled out of her. In the post-orgasmic daze that settled over her, she blinked her eyes open.
Ryan reached down with both hands and ripped Alex up from the bed. Alex’s hands went around Ryan’s and triedto break his grip as they struggled. Evie raised herself on her elbow, watching them with stunned, silent fascination.
Inevitably, Ryan who was much larger than Alex prevailed, and turned him around, slamming him face down into the bed. He had one of Alex’s wrists in his hand, twisted around behind his back and he held him pinned there while they both panted.
Ryan lowered his face until his mouth was at Alex’s ear, and he spoke quietly but forcefully between pants.
“Is this what you want? Hm?” There was a crazed sort of look in his eye when he glanced up at Evie very briefly. “You like watching me fuck her? You like pretending it’s you?”
“You fucking–” Alex started to say , but Ryan twisted his arm hard enough that his face twisted too. “Ah fuck!”
Ryan sank forward until his cock was pressed into Alex’s ass and his weight was on Alex’s smaller body, pinning it to the bed. He stayed like that for a long moment, panting hard.
Anger colored Alex’s fair face and he struggled against the bigger man’s weight and the force of his hold, to no avail. “What do you think you’re doing?” he said, voice cold and trembling.
“Exactly what you want,” Ryan said. Then he took his hand back and yanked Alex’s suspenders down both arms and tucked both hands under him to get at the buttons on the front of his trousers. Alex pressed both hands into the mattress and tried to push up and back, to force Ryanoff. But still to no avail. Ryan, having loosened enough buttons, yanked Alex’s trousers and his underpants down, exposing the smooth flesh of his backside.
With some struggle, he got Alex’s arm behind his back again and forced his head onto the bed with his other hand.
“You just can’t stand not being in control,” Ryan breathed in his ear.
“Fuck you,” Alex said, his eyes firing. He twisted and wrenched against Ryan’s hold, but it was a struggle in vain.
“Tell me to stop,” Ryan said, his voice barely audible. “Tell me you don’t want this. That you haven’t been dreaming about this for years.”
Alex fell silent and closed his eyes, breathing hard. Always so composed, the conflict on his face was shocking.
“You never thought it would happen like this,” Ryan said, huffing a small laugh. “But you’ll take what you can get, won’t you?”
“You fucking–” Alex said again, starting his struggles anew. Ryan held him fast and silenced him by shoving a finger in his mouth. Alex looked angry and shocked for a moment, but he couldn’t help himself. He began to suck on Ryan’s finger like it was his cock, worshipful and eager. Pleasure touched Ryan’s face and caused his eyelids to grow just a little heavier while he watched Alex’s face.
Evie was completely invisible now, afraid to move or to speak, lest she derail whatever was happening. It was brutal, and it was raw. And it was also strange. Theyshared a brother, didn’t they? But they weren’t, themselves, brothers. So it wasn’t necessarily taboo, was it? But it was still strange. She hadn’t had a single idea that they desired each other. Did Lindsay know about this? Too many questions swirling through her alcohol and pleasure addled mind.
Ryan took his finger back and slipped it over Alex’s backside, plunging the digit inside his ass without warning.
Alex made a guttural sound of pain that was still somehow beautiful, a sound that hardened Evie’s nipples. He closed his eyes.
“It hurts, doesn’t it?” Ryan said, mocking what Alex had said to Evie. Then, he leaned forward so he could whisper again. “But don’t worry, it’s going to hurt even more.”
He drew his hand back and spit into his palm, causing Alex to open his eyes, and his eyebrows to draw down. Then, Ryan stroked the saliva up and down the length of his cock, still sticky with Evie’s nectar. And with a slight shift of his weight and a thrust of his hips, he shoved himself inside of Alex.
Alex gritted his teeth together and squeezed his eyes shut and made a low, sharp growl of pain in his throat. “Holy fuck!”