Page 71 of Getting It Twisted
“How can you be sure?”
“Do the math, dude. She ran away at sixteen and was gone for over a year before she showed back up on his doorstep.” WhenDaniel stays silent, I scowl and add, “What, you don’t believe me? Ask Ennis. He even helped deliver me onto that rotten-ass floor. I’m not a fucking incest baby, Daniel. Thanks a lot for thinking I am.”
“I didn’t. I’m just trying to . . .” He sighs. “I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, you better be. Hope you’re planning to fuck my brains out when we get home.”
“I thought you wanted to dance.”
We pass the dance floor, where sweaty bodies move to the offbeat techno. Ten minutes ago I would’ve been stoked to join them.
“Nah, this place sucks. Let’s go home.” I move toward the exit, but Daniel doesn’t budge.
He’s got his eyes on a mousy-haired girl who’s staring straight at him. “Lydia.”
“Daniel. How’ve you been?” She’s got a heavy-lidded, dazed look to her eyes. Drunk? Or high?
I slide my arm around Daniel’s waist from behind and peer at her. “Who’s this?”
“Daniel hasn’t told you about me?”
“Obviously not.”
“A month ago, Daniel and I were dating. But I see his preferences have changed.”
I give her a once-over. “Yeah. For the better too.”
She bristles, hands on her hips. “And who are you if I may ask?”
“Uh, this is Nathan.” Daniel tries to disentangle himself from my hold, but I cling to him like a baby koala. “We—”
“We go way back,” I cut in. “So back off; he’s mine.”
Lydia stares at Daniel with anare you serious?expression before she says, “Well, good luck with him,” and disappears into the crowd.
Daniel grabs my arm and wrenches me off him. “That was necessary as fuck. What am I going to do about you?”
“You could always try fucking me into submission,” I say sweetly.
“Already tried it.”
“Try harder.”
He glares at me, and I smirk at him. This is all just a part of the game. He fucks me best when he’s annoyed with me—pins me to the bed and takes me without mercy. My ass clenches around the plug at the thought, and my cock pulses in my pants.
We move toward the exit. At the other end of the room, Lydia is talking to a tattooed man with a bald head and heavy-lidded eyes.
Eric Fletcher.
Oh no . . . Not him. Not here.
I grab Daniel’s arm, but he’s already on the prowl. Eric watches us approach, a dark smile on his lips.
I haven’t seen him since . . . Since that night.
I drank from a cup he handed me, and the next thing I knew, I landed on a bed with hands holding me down and a body on top of mine. A door slammed open, followed by the dull, fleshy sound of a fist hitting a jaw. Eric and Tyler ran off, and someone else walked toward me . . .
I was gone, on autopilot, unknowing and unfeeling, but I did know this: Me naked in a bed with a guy equaled sex. That’s all my mind could compute.