Page 15 of Defensive Hero
Why is he doing this to me?
And here of all places.
“Are you headed back to the shop after this?” Wilson’s voice cuts through my lust-filled fog, and my eyes shoot up when I realize I have missed everything that was said since he started touching me. I even missed the server clearing our plates. How can he focus with his hand moving so feverishly under my skirt?
“No. Penny and I are taking the rest of the day off. We’re going to take the bike out for a ride, maybe find a secluded spot to relax for bit and enjoy the sunshine,” Ray says, and there’s an undercurrent to his words. Based on Penny’s flushing cheeks, I can guess what it is.
“So, Sandy, what do you think about the other attorneys at the firm?” Ray asks with a sly grin aimed at his brother. “Not all of them are as cold as my brother here. Have you met anyone else you’d want to work with?” He leans toward me as if he’s going to tell me a secret, but he doesn’t lower his voice. “If Wilson is too much of a tyrant for you, I’ll put in a good word with our dad and suggest he assign you to someone else.”
“She’s my assistant. I hired her, not Dad. You’re just trying to win that stupid bet,” Wilson says with a growl, still rubbing his finger over my clit, and I have to bite harder on my lip to stop a sob from breaking out at the effect his possessiveness has on my body. My sex grows wetter by the second, and I feel myself draw closer to a climax.
Our waiter appears with the check, effectively distracting Ray as he looks it over and pulls out his wallet. After a few more strokes, I’ve reached my breaking point and clench my teeth hard to bite back a cry as my toes curl with pleasure and my back arches slightly from the pressure that shoots through me. His thick digit strums my sensitive sex, drawing out my orgasm until I can’t take it anymore. My thighs lock around his hand, and the chair scrapes as I push away from him.
The sound draws attention to me, and I am again thankful for the dim lighting as it’s able to hide my reddened cheeks. “Sorry,” I choke out.
Ray eyes me curiously for a moment, but Penny jumps in to distract him with a question about dessert. I already liked the girl, but I adore her now, even if I am embarrassed that she clearly knew what was happening under the table.
“We’ll skip dessert. We have to get back to the office,” Wilson says without missing a beat. His hand stays locked between my legs until the spasms have died down and I let him go. He straightens my skirt as he thanks his brother and Penny for lunch and says his goodbyes.
I’m still in a daze as we get back in the car, with no idea what I said to Penny and Ray as we were leaving. It must not have been too awkward though, since Penny made sure to tell Wilson to give me her number so we can get together again.
It’s not until we’re in the car that I realize I’d been far too distracted to stay nervous about meeting my boss’s brother and his girlfriend, and despite Wilson’s wandering hands, I’d enjoyed talking with them—well, as much as I could focus on the conversation without being too obvious about what my boss was doing to me. It dawns on me that Wilson must have realized I was nervous.
“You did that on purpose,” I accuse him.
He doesn’t even bother to deny purposely distracting me. “There was no reason to be nervous, and you wouldn’t have calmed down without my…intervention.”
How does this man know me so well after such a short time?
“Then you shouldn’t have brought me. This wasn’t a client lunch; you didn’t need me there.”
He turns to look at me, those icy blue eyes piercing into me as they always do. “My brother and Penny are clients. And Penny is new in town too, she needs a friend so she isn’t spending all of her time with my boorish baby brother. Besides, if you hadn’t joined me, you wouldn’t have gotten an orgasm out of it, now would you?”
I glare at my boss, the manipulative asshole. Do I regret getting fingered by my boss at a restaurant? No. I liked it. Perhaps a little too much, but that doesn’t mean I appreciate him toying with me like that.Hewas the one who suggested we forget about what happened between us, after all. He is the one afraid of another lawsuit.
I turn away from him and stare at the road ahead. I don’t know what to make of his hot-and-cold attitude. No matter how much I like Wilson and the feel of his hands and lips on me, I am not going to let him touch me again.
We are done playing around.Iam done playing around.
Chapter Six
If looks could kill, I would be bleeding out on the floor.
Sandy has been glaring at me from the moment we got into the car. Well, that’s not right. I sensed her annoyance with me even before we left the firm, and I have a feeling it’s the result of something I said earlier when she walked to my office this morning.
Whatever it is I said must’ve upset her because she hasn’t flashed me one of her bright smiles once today, and a part of me is unwilling to part before I get to the bottom of this, but we both have work to do.
I’m distracted as we get back to the office and go our separate ways, the conversation I’d had with Vlad earlier replaying in my mind. I have been representing the Russian mobster for more than six years now, and when I first met him in person, I wasn’t sure I wanted to be thrown into his dirty world.
But then I got to know the real man behind the reputation. He is as dangerous as the rumors suggest, and I still don’t want Sandy anywhere near him, but he is not half as bad as people think he is. The man doesn’t deal with anything that would hurt innocent people, and his income sources are mostly legal. Well, at least half of his assets have been acquired through legal means.
Over time, a very unlikely friendship developed me and Valor Spring’s resident crime boss, and I agreed to handle his legal affairs. They’ve been minor things, and I’ve made it clear I won’t participate in anything illegal. Mostly, I step in when Vlad is facing criminal charges on the rare occasion the police attempt to pin anything on him, and when something comes up with his beloved baby sister, who attends a boarding school. She’s a good kid, rarely causing trouble, but Vlad goes out of his way to keep her protected and sheltered.
Several hours later, I’m ready to call it a day. I gather my things and step out of my office, pleased to see Sandy still at her desk. Now that I don’t have work distracting me, I can devote my attention to her and the change in her attitude I noticed on the way back from lunch.
“I’ll drive you home,” I tell her. I’ve noticed she takes an Uber to work more often than she drives. I make a note to ask her if there is something wrong with her car, and if so, to have Ray take a look at it.