Page 19 of Defensive Hero
Oh, I’m sure I love her.
I lean down and brush my lips over her shoulder. “Are you going to ask for pizza again?”
She perks up. “How did you guess?”
Loving this girl is going to be an adventure. One I am ready to start.
Chapter Seven
“Drop me off here,” I say, patting Wilson’s arm.
His brows furrow in confusion at my request. We are two blocks from the firm, and I would rather he drop me somewhere none of my coworkers will spot me climbing out of his car early in the morning when we live on opposite sides of town. Yeah, I don’t want to show up to work with a boss who spent the night at my place.
To be fair, we didn’t do much sleeping.
I’d assumed his staying over hadn’t been in the cards, but then he’d mentioned having a change of clothes he keeps in his car in case he needs to change in the middle of the day. Makes sense. The top criminal attorney of Valor Springs should not be caught with an ink stain.
“Tell me why you want to be dropped two blocks from the firm?”
“Do you want people to see us show up to work together?”
“Sandy, you are my assistant, it wouldn’t be the most surprising thing.”
“Yeah, well, it’s better to be safe than sorry,” I tell him. “Pull over there,” I say, pointing at the entrance of Annie’s bakery. Perfect spot.
Wilson shakes his head but does as I ask. I thank him for the ride and open the car door to step out when he grabs my hand, stopping me. I turn to face him and his lips take mine by surprise. He lets go of my hand to cup my chin. “Open up for me, baby,” he says hoarsely against my lips.
“We’re in public, someone could see—”
He takes the opportunity to deepen the kiss, and the fight in me dies as my brain turns to mush. Only he has the power to fry my brain cells, and all from a simple kiss. With a pleased sigh, I lean in to kiss him back. The spot between my legs begins to pulse needily, and I am reminded of this morning when he bent me over my bathroom sink and took me hard and fast.
I can still feel him inside of me, but I want more. It’s tempting to climb over the console and into his lap and ride his cock the way he taught to last night. I drop my bag, ready to do just that, when the cruel man breaks the kiss and drops his forehead against mine.
“You should leave before I fuck you in plain view of everyone and get arrested for indecent exposure.”
Oh, right.
I hadn’t thought of that.
“Okay,” I hum, reaching blindly for the car door once more, and I have to force myself to exit his car. I manage to do it but on unsteady legs.
I stagger to the entrance of the bakery and lean against the wall next to the door, forcing down slow deep breaths until my heart isn’t hammering in my chest anymore. I wish I could dothe same for the tingling spot between my thighs, but there is no controlling it.
Damn him for lighting this fire inside of me and then leaving me to deal with it alone.
I give it a few more minutes before walking into the bakery. This early, a few people are occupying the seats, but luckily, there is no line. I walk to the counter and smile brightly at the older lady standing behind it.
“Good morning, Annie,” I say, digging into my bag for the company card. “I’ll have a soy latte and a mocha to go, please.”
“Coming right up,” Annie says, turning away to prepare the drinks, and I take the time to browse the pastries she has today. The croissants look particularly appetizing, but so do the blueberry muffins. “You should try the buttercream cake today.”
I look up to find Annie watching me. “You think so?”
“It’s been a hit this morning.”
I gnaw my lips and consider the option. The buttercream cake looks amazing, but…“Hmm, he doesn’t really like sweets.”