Page 35 of Ruthless Prince
But first, I have my meeting with Nico Mancini.
“I’m meeting Nico outside. I’m not sure when I’ll be back home.”
Mr. Moore nods once. “You do that.” He grabs Ellie’s arm and leads her away from me.
I quickly change and go outside to where Nico waits.
“You won,” Nico says. “It takes a strong man to bring down the Mountain. That’s someone I wouldn’t mind having in my employ.”
I blink. “You want to hire me?”
“I didn’t say that. I want to get to know you first. Come. I want you to meet my wife. She’s a good judge of character. I’ll get you the money you’ve earned.” He opens his car door and motions for me to get inside.
I need this opportunity to speak with Nico and see if he really did kill my father. So, I get into his car.
On the drive over to his house, I stay quiet. I don’t dare ask him about Igor, lest I raise his suspicions.
Nico’s house is a large mansion outside of the city. It’s so large that multiple families could live in it. Despite growing up in a mansion myself, my father never let me live luxuriously. He always had me sleep in a cramped room.
“Come along,” Nico says, guiding me up to the house.
Once inside, I’m blown away by the beauty of it all. The crystal chandeliers and the hardwood floors. The white furniture. The elegant decals everywhere.
“Is it just you and your wife?” I ask Nico as he leads me into the living room.
“It is.” He doesn’t elaborate more.
A pretty blonde woman walks into the living room.
“Vincent, this is my wife, Aurora. Vincent won the competition.”
Aurora smiles wide. “It’s nice to meet you, Vincent.” She studies my face for a long moment.
“Do … do I know you?” I ask, having the sudden flare of a feeling like this woman is familiar.
“No. It’s just … we used to have a son named Vincent. Sorry.” She steps away from me, fanning at her eyes. To stop herself from crying, I realize.
The longer I look at Aurora, the more I feel like I know her. But that’s not possible. I’ve never seen this woman before in my life.
It’s then I spot a photo on a table near the couch. It’s a family photo of Nico and Aurora and … a little boy.
And that little boy has a pendant around his neck.
It’s the exact same pendant I grew up wearing.
I also share the same name as Nico’s son. No. It couldn’t be …
I look at Nico and Aurora harder. I couldn’t be their son. Igor was my father.
And yet … I know I’ve seen Aurora before. She feels like … home.
“Do I know you?” I ask again.
Aurora frowns. “No. At least… I don’t think so.”
Nico stares at me harder. “Do you know us?”
“No,” I say quickly. “I’ve never met either of you before. Sorry. I … don’t think I can stay here.” I ignore the confused looks of Nico and Aurora and rush to the front door.