Page 46 of Clash of Kings
“What happens if the video gets out and humans see it?” Dakota asked.
“That’s the great thing about having brilliant Clan members. Carleigh can swap out the audio with something she creates to make it sound like an action movie.”
“Do you know what would be stellar? Prosthetics,” Anthony said. “What if everyone wore the same mask? Wouldn’t that freak them the fuck out?”
“Prosthetics?” Dakota asked.
“We have the capability of creating masks to change our appearance, making us appear older or younger or to look like someone else. We can also create voice manipulators to mimic whoever we’re pretending to be.”
Lydia slapped the table. “Oh, my gods. My mom did that when she was off trying to rescue her parents in Egypt. It was before she and my dad had mated. Mom took several disguises with her, and she had this one mask that was an old woman. Dad followed her to Egypt, but he couldn’t find her because she was in disguise. He ran across her while she was dressed as ‘Beatrice,’ and she jumped in his arms and kissed him. I’ll have to get them to reenact it for you, Kody. It’s hilarious.”
“I can’t wait to meet all your parents. They sound wonderful,” Dakota responded wistfully.
Bas placed his hand on her nape and gave it a gentle squeeze. “They really are. I would say it’s a shifter trait, but I now know it isn’t. I’m not sure why wolf parents aren’t like ours, but mine have already claimed you, so you’ll get all the love you’ve missed out on.”
Dakota nodded as she closed her eyes. Sebastian vowed to also show his mate all the love in the world. “How about we walk around town for a bit? I’d like to see more of where we’re likely calling home for the next few years.”
Dakota let out a sigh as she wiped a stray tear. “Sounds good.”
“We found the cutest little shop that sells vintage items. Let’s start there,” Lydia suggested, and that’s what they did. For the next couple of hours, the four of them visited most of the businesses to see what the town had to offer. Bas was pleasantly surprised. He spoke to the owners or managers, informing them of his intentions with the lodge, and he made some good contacts. While the lodge would have its own restaurant, there were a few specialty places like the bakery who he could co-op with.
When they passed by Walker’s Outfitters, Anthony talked them into going ziplining. He and Bas could fly with their Goyle wings, but this was flying of a different kind.
Bas greeted the owner when they entered the store. “Hey, Dustin. I thought you might like to know that Dakota and I put an offer on the lodge.”
Dustin was grinning when he said, “I know. Word around here travels fast. My cousin Angela over at Maddio’s heard the good news from her best friend who owns the bakery, and she called me earlier. You’ve made quite the stir today.”
“I figured as much when several store owners picked up their phones before we were out the door. I hope everyone is as excited as we are.”
“We most definitely are. Don’t be surprised when folks stop you on the street and introduce themselves.”
Sebastian had already encountered a few of the town members saying hello, and that boded well for him and Dakota. It was important to him that they were a welcome addition to Carlton. “Is it too late to go ziplining?”
“Nah. There are lights set up, and we take customers until eight.”
“Excellent. Sign us up then.”
As they filled out the paperwork, Dustin said, “Here’s the address for the course. It’s about five miles out. If you don’t have your vehicle, I can call my brother to drive you over.”
“We can drive, but thanks.” Bas took the receipt as well as the paper with the address. They walked the few blocks back to the hotel and hopped in the Jeep. After making the short drive, they were met by a younger version of Dustin.
“I’m Cole, and I’ll be your flight attendant,” he joked. They introduced themselves as they got strapped into their harnesses. Cole led them up the stairs to the platforms. Anthony offered to go first, but the females pushed him out of the way.
“Queens first,” Lydia gestured softly, and Dakota took her up on the offer. His mate let out a loud woohoo as she left the platform. Dakota leaned back, holding on with one hand and using the other to keep her hat from flying off.
“She’s badass,” Anthony muttered, and Sebastian agreed wholeheartedly. The gods had blessed him with a mate who was strong as well as kindhearted.
Lydia went next, whooping loudly, then it was Bas’s turn. He had never ziplined before, but he saw the appeal as he was riding through the air. It was so much fun that they took several turns before calling it a day. They thanked Cole, then piled into the Jeep.
“That was so much fun. Tomorrow after the call, do you think we can go out on four-wheelers?” Dakota asked.
“Anything you want,Amore Mio.” Sebastian meant it. He would give his mate anything her heart desired.
They were pulling into the parking lot of the hotel when Sebastian’s phone rang. Seeing it was Grace, he didn’t want Dakota to be jealous, so he said, “This is my assistant.” Pushing the Bluetooth button on the steering wheel, he answered, “Grace, is everything okay?”
“Sebastian, I’m sorry. I think I screwed up.”
“Tell me what happened.” Bas parked the Jeep and pulled the emergency brake.