Page 61 of Clash of Kings
When Sebastian releasedhis wings, Dakota shivered. Shit was getting real. Her mate was ready to face off with King, who wouldn’t listen to reason. That didn’t surprise her in the least. Tessa and Lydia flanked Dakota, swords at the ready. It wasn’t in her nature to stand down while others protected her. Her Wolf was ready to be released, but until it was necessary, she would remain in her skin.
Dante and Deklan, looking like twins instead of father and son, stood side-by-side, wings out. Jon resembled his father in looks, but Frey towered over the younger Gargoyle and had about fifty pounds of muscle on him. Maveryck was in his full Gryphon, while Major was threatening in his Lion form. Harlow chose her Eagle, and she flew circles above the crowd. Nikolas and Locke had yet to release their wings as they hovered near Lydia. Tor and Bodi looked like Norwegian gods as they stared down the wolves close to them. Knox remained close to Nikita and Madsen, the latter who still had his camera out. Gregor and Rafael stood opposite the Norse brothers, keeping that side of the crowd back. No, that wasn’t Rafael. It was Sinclair. Dakota could only tell the difference from behind because Sin’s hair was longer.
A snarl brought Dakota’s attention back to her mate and former Alpha. King jumped from the porch and ran full tilt toward Sebastian. Before he could reach him, Bas launched into the air. King skidded, growling when he met nothing. He snarled and snapped his jaws, turning to look for his opponent. Sebastian hovered above the wolf, and King bent his front legs, then jumped toward Sebastian. Bas flew toward King, clashing in mid-air. King slashed his claws across Bas’s chest, and Dakota cringed. Bas still had faint scars from the last time he’d been attacked, but this time, there was no gouged skin. No blood dripping. Being a Gargoyle, his skin was impenetrable now.
With no grip on Sebastian, King fell to the ground, and Sebastian dove after him, grabbing the wolf around his torso before he could get his feet under him. Sebastian dug his claws into King’s sides as he lifted him off the ground. More wolves howled in anguish as they watched their Alpha twist and squirm, doing his best to get loose. It was no use, though. Sebastian had a death grip on the beast.
“I don’t want to kill you,” Bas told King.
Kingston, slashed the air with all four paws, kicking and punching. He shook his head back and forth, trying to get away, but Sebastian’s claws had found purchase and weren’t letting go. When King continued thrashing about, Sebastian wrapped his wings around the animal. Kingston was no longer able to move anything but his head, and it too was still.
Rafael didn’t initiate a fight with Arthur. Arthur shifted and pawed the dirt, but when Kingston attacked Sebastian, all eyes had been on the two Alpha males. Now that King was subdued, Arthur returned his focus to Rafael. If Arthur were a different type of father, Dakota would feel bad for him, but it was Rafael she was rooting for. He had claimed Dakota in front of her old pack, and she loved him more for it.
“Dakota, watch out!” Anthony yelled.
Lydia turned at the same time Dakota did, her swords raised in front of her. One of the weapons impaled a small wolf who had launched itself at Dakota’s back. Lydia released her grip on the hilt when the animal fell to its side, unmoving. “Oh, my gods,” Lydia cried. “Is she…?”
The small wolf shifted back to human. “Tinsley,” Dakota whispered. She wasn’t surprised that the female attacked. Tinsley had been the worst when it came to gossiping and trying to cause trouble for Dakota over the years. The younger woman felt she should be the Alpha Mate. Now she’d never get the chance to be anyone’s mate.
“What did I do?” Lydia whispered.
“What is your family motto?” Tessa asked, wrapping an arm around Lydia’s shoulder while keeping her sword ready.
Lydia swallowed hard. “Family is everything, and we defend our family.”
“Exactly, and you defended our Queen,” Tessa said calmly, moving her hand to the side of Lydia’s neck. “Fisting your heart and vowing your loyalty isn’t merely lip service. It’s what you’ve trained your whole life for. There is no higher honor, Lydia.”
It was at that moment when Dakota truly realized how important she was. Those who had joined Sebastian that day were willing to kill or die for her.
Locke seemed to realize his sister was in distress. The large male ran over and pulled Lydia’s sword from Tinsley’s downed body, then led Lydia to where Nikolas hovered near Kayden and Sloane.
Tessa put her back to Dakota’s. “Call on your weapons,” she instructed. Dakota whispered the words that changed her bracelets into two short swords. Nikita, in her dire wolf fur, bounded to Dakota’s side, snarling at anyone who came close.
Rafael punched Arthur’s beast in the jaw, sending him sprawling. When he got back to his paws, Rafael bounced on his feet, holding his hands up and wiggling his fingers in a “bring it on” gesture. “I can do this all day,” he told Arthur. Her father was stubborn. Or maybe it was his pride that had him surging forward again. Rafael used one of his powerful wings to sweep Arthur off his feet.
“Arthur, stop, please,” Diana begged, while she and Phoenix watched. Nix must have felt her eyes, because he looked up from where their father was getting his ass kicked and snarled at her. His concern for Arthur morphed into the meanest scowl he’d ever given Dakota, and that was saying something. She was quicker than her brother, but with so many wolves in the way, she’d never outrun him. No, she would have to fight. Thankful she’d practiced some the night before, Dakota faced Nix fully and held the swords the way Lydia had shown her.
Phoenix ripped his shirt over his head as he stalked toward her. Nikita growled at him, and Nix stumbled. Then another wolf appeared beside Nikita, both blocking Nix’s path. Anthony stepped behind Dakota with his wings outstretched.
“You won’t get through them,” Anthony said to Nix, gesturing at the two wolves. “But if you do? I’m gonna tear you a new asshole. You’ve tormented my Queen for the last time.”
Tessa tossed a thumb her son’s direction. “What he said.”
Dakota appreciated her Clan protecting her, but this was her fight. She pushed past the wolves and faced her brother. “You really wanna do this?”
“Yes, I fucking do. All my life I’ve played second fiddle to you all because you’re an alpha bitch.Protect your sister, Nix. Kody’s important, Nix. Kody’s going to elevate our family to the highest ranks.”
“You could have done that yourself if you weren’t such a dick. Why not go after Savannah?”
“Because she turned me down! Once again, I was the disappointment, relegated to being your protector.”
“I didn’t need your protection. I needed a big brother who loved me and had my back.”
“Too fucking bad for you because I hate you.” Phoenix shifted, but Dakota wasn’t ready. He hated her? Her heart thumped wildly in her chest as she raised her swords. Could she kill Nix? Saliva dripped from his fangs as he crouched low, readying to attack. Nix launched himself at Dakota, but before he reached her, she was pulled out of the way by Tessa. Where Dakota had been seconds before, Anthony now stood in her place, catching Nix and tossing him to the ground. Anthony didn’t give Nix time to recover. He straddled the wolf and grabbed his head, twisting. The snap of bones was loud, and someone – Diana – yelled. She ran to where Nix, now in his human form, lay unmoving, howling with her human voice. Anthony rose and stepped away, surveying the area. Unlike Lydia, Tony was ready to take down another foe.
Dakota’s family was shattered.Shewas shattered. Her old pack was falling apart, and for what? Because King was too proud to step aside? Because her brother hated her? Goddess, it was too much.
“Stop!” Dakota yelled. The fighting continued, so she partially shifted, then tossed back her head and howled. It was like time froze. The air around her stilled. Dakota was an alpha, but now, she was Queen, and she had Sebastian’s bite. His strength. The power of Gargoyles running through her veins. The wolves of her old pack, including her father, dropped to their bellies. Those still in their skin knelt and bared their necks to her.