Page 65 of Clash of Kings
Bas could tell his momma wanted to take Jolee in her arms and smother her with love too, but she refrained. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Jolee. Tessa said she got you plenty of clothes, but if you need anything else, please let me know.”
“I will. Thank you,” Jolee responded quietly. The exuberance was gone, and the female was flagging.
Bas and Dakota accompanied Jolee to the room Lydia had been using. Sebastian left his mate to deal with her best friend and went to his parents’ suite. Kaya already knew what happened, but when he walked through the door, she still grabbed him up in another hug.
“I wish I could have been there,” she said as she stepped back. “Your papa told me how fierce you and Dakota both were. He also told me about Jolee. She was putting up a good front, but that young woman is hurting. You can see it in her eyes.”
Bas kissed his mom’s cheek before moving to sit down on the sofa. “Her physical wounds healed when she shifted, but I have a feeling the mental wounds are going to take a while for her to get over. Dakota was talking to Jolee on the phone on Wednesday, and Jolee hung up abruptly. I’d say that’s when Sloane got to her. When Tony went up to rescue her from Sloane’s room, she was tied to the bed and unconscious. She had multiple bruises and gashes like he’d clawed her. Since she was tied up, she couldn’t shift and heal herself. What sucks is that Jolee and Sloane went out a few times, and Jolee had hoped they would be mates one day.”
Kaya fisted her hands. “I hope his death was painful.”
“Uncle Nik ripped his heart out, so I would say it was.”
“Good.” Kaya sat down on the other end of the sofa. “Now that her pack has been handled, what’s next for you and your mate?”
“We’ll probably head to Atlanta and chill for a bit. If we get to purchase the property next to the lodge, we’ll come back and decide where to build our house and get started on clearing the trees off. Jolee agreed to help Dakota with overseeing renovations on the lodge, so that’ll give her something to occupy her time and mind.”
“I can see why you like it here. Atlanta was never your style.”
“No, it wasn’t. I understand why Papa settled there. It’s easier to get lost when surrounded by half a million people. Speaking of Papa, where is he?” The last time Bas saw his father was in the lobby.
“He drove Sin to the airport. Now that the fun is over, he wants to get back to Rocky.”
“He’s leaving already? I didn’t get to say goodbye or to thank him. Damn.” Bas scrubbed a hand down his face.
“Sin knows you appreciate him showing up, as does everyone else who was here. That’s what Clan does, Bas. They have your back no questions asked, and no thanks needed.”
“I get that, but not everyone is in our Clan. Knox and the wolves, the Gryphons…”
“The Gryphons are family through Harlow, so they’re going to show up if you call. The wolves had a vested interest in the meeting. And that’s what this is all about, different species coming together and forming a council to keep our secret safe. It’s been many years since something like this happened, not since you were a baby, but I’ve seen it happen time and time again. Your father, his brothers, and their cousins went through hell with Alistair and then Drago. The Gryphons had their hands full with The Ministry. I just pray this is the last incident for many years. You and Dakota deserve to have some peace while you get to know one another and start your new life together. Why don’t you go wait for Dakota in your suite? Maybe take a shower and relax?”
Bas rolled his head toward his mom. “Trying to get rid of me?”
Kaya reached over and smacked his leg. “Of course not, but you’ve had a rough day. So has your mate. She’s going to need you after she gets Jolee settled.”
“Shouldn’t I go downstairs and, I don’t know, mingle? Talk to everyone who was with us today?”
“You have plenty of time for that. Besides, your aunt Tessa will no doubt have everyone rounded up in the bar. She and Tony will entertain them while you take care of your mate.”
“Okay, but don’t you and Papa leave without telling me.”
“We won’t. I promise.”
Bas stood, leaned over and kissed Kaya on the cheek again, then headed to his room. When he opened the door, he froze. His mate was standing by the window looking out. She didn’t turn when he approached. Bas pressed his front to his mate’s back, snaking his arms around her waist. “Are you okay? Never mind. I can feel you aren’t.”
Dakota placed her hands on top of his and leaned her head against his chest. “I was thinking about what Sloane did to Jolee. He knew she was on the phone with me. He stood outside her door and listened in on the conversation. He told her King wanted to see her, but when they arrived at the pack house, Sloane forced her to his room. He called her a whore for sleeping with Anthony. Sloane told her she had to convince me to come back and accept the Alpha Mate role. Jolee refused, so he beat her. She tried to tell him you and I were already mated, but he didn’t believe her. That, or he didn’t care. Sloane has always been a hothead, and I warned her more than once that he wasn’t the kind of male she should tie herself to, but she wanted to feel important. Since King had his sights set on me, the Alpha Mate position would never be hers, but she could be fourth in line if she was Sloane’s mate.”
“Why was that important? Being that far up the line?”
“She’s an omega. Without being mated to someone with status, that’s all she would ever be. In our pack, omegas weren’t considered anything more than pup breeders. You saw how my father treated my mother.”
“And I also saw how he and your brother treated you, yet you’re an alpha.”
“Yes, but I was an unmated female. That’s little better than an omega unless you are part of the Alpha’s security force, and King wouldn’t hear of me being an enforcer. When I was talking to Jolee, it dawned on me that my father was looking for the same thing – status. If I were Alpha Mate, my family would have been just as important as King’s. That’s why Arthur was adamant I accept the position. It had nothing to do with saving the pack. It had everything to do with elevating the Young name so that Nix wouldn’t be just another wolf. None of the females were interested in my brother.”
“Because he was an asshole,” Bas seethed. “Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize for speaking the truth. Nix was a bastard to me my whole life. Am I sad he’s gone? Not really, and that’s something I’ll have to deal with. But back to the females not wanting him. If Nix had been an important asshole, they would have overlooked his attitude, the same way Jolee overlooked Sloane’s.” Dakota turned in Sebastian’s arms and pressed her cheek to his chest. “My heart hurts, and my brain is tired. Is it okay if we shower and take a nap?”