Page 30 of Blades of Ice
Beck shifted back to his skin, stretching his arms above his head. It had been a while since he’d let his other side out.
“Hey, you love birds. I’ve got Carleigh on the line with me. I was able to tap into Amara’s cameras. I didn’t recognize the male, so I sent his photo to Carleigh so she could do her thing, since I don’t have the capability to do the thing.”
Carleigh laughed. “And I’m doing the thing now, but facial recognition takes a while, especially if the person isn’t from the States.”
“And you think they aren’t?” Lydia asked.
“I have no idea, but with what’s going on with Boyd, it could be possible. The reason I asked Dooley to patch me in on the call is because Nikita came up with something regarding one of the cryptic messages. Her mate is a big comic nerd, and Madsen thinks they’re referring to the Black Canary. There were two of them, a mother and daughter.”
Lydia brought the phone to the living area and dropped down on the sofa, patting the cushion next to her. Beck sat and slid his arm around her shoulder. “But how does that help us? If it could be either? And the other message said the porridge was too cold.”
“I’m not sure, but I wanted to mention it. I was able to trace the phone numbers you gave me. Chloe’s cell is shut off, but I got a lock on the sat phones. Two of them are in Seward, and one is in an area west of Valdez.”
“What’s the number for the one near Valdez?” Beck asked. When Carleigh rattled off the digits, Beck said, “That’s the one Chloe uses. I got a call from an unknown number, but I didn’t answer it. When we listened to the voicemail, a female said, ‘Beck, help.’ Whoever it was didn’t speak loud enough for me totell if it was her or Amara, plus there was a lot of wind in the background.”
“Hang on,” Dooley instructed. After a bit of typing, he said, “There’s a snowstorm in the area around Valdez, so the wind in the background would make sense. If they’re near Chugach, you’re going to need fucking snowshoes.”
“That’s Chloe’s number, but was it her calling? And if so, why have her ID blocked?” Carleigh asked. “And if it’s storming, how can you get there?”
Beck didn’t know if Lydia’s cousin would like his answer, but he was honest with her. “As for how, I’ve flown in all kinds of bad weather, and I can get us there. If the snow gets too heavy, we’ll land on the water and sail in. Maybe we’ll find out who it was that blocked the call and why once we find the phone.”
“I really need to rethink my career choice. Sitting behind a computer isn’t nearly as fun as being on a case.”
Lydia held in her laugh. “That’s what you get for having that big brain, Cuz.”
“Yeah, yeah. You be careful out there. Beck might be used to the snow, but you aren’t.”
Beck hugged Lydia tighter. “I’ll take care of her.”
“Hey, did you get the package Tabby sent?”
“I did, but I haven’t gone through it yet.”
“Maybe before you jet off to blizzard country, you could try to put the bugs and cameras in Boyd’s rental. If we could listen in on his conversations, that might speed things up a bit.”
“We’ll see what we can do. It might be hard to do in the daylight, and if we wait until night, that’s time we’re losing getting to Valdez.”
“We’ll figure it out, Sugar. I can distract him while you sneak in the back.”
Carleigh coughed, and Lydia shot a bird at the phone. “Be stealthy, and let me know if you’re successful, and I’ll start listening in.”
“Will do. And call us if you get a hit on the facial recognition program.”
“On it. Talk soon.” And with that, Carleigh was gone.
“I’m out too unless you need me to come with?” Dooley asked.
“Not yet. There’s something else I’d like you to do for me. Can you hack into Delaney’s phones, both the one at the office and her cell?”
“Does a bear shit in the woods? I’m on it. Over and out.”
Lydia leaned back and looked at him. “I take it that was rhetorical?”
Beck smacked a kiss on her cheek before getting to his feet. “Come on. Let’s look at these gadgets so we can make a plan. I don’t like confronting Boyd, but I also don’t want to put this off any longer than we have to.”
Chapter 13
Tabitha hooked themup with bugs, infrared cameras, and a lock-picking kit. She sent instructions on the best place to plant the listening devices as well as how to attach the cameras outside. The only problem Lydia could see was breaking into the house. Anthony taught her how to pick a lock several years back, and she had managed it easily using the tools he had, but Lydia had never done it under pressure. Before leaving, they packed everything, and Lydia checked out of the lodge. There was no need to pay for a place they might not return to.