Page 42 of Blades of Ice
“Yes, my uncle taught me, and Beck gave me instructions with the Cessna, although I won’t be taking it across the mountains.”
“I’m sorry I can’t stay and help, but Delaney is pissed I stayed away this long. I guess money trumps missing family members.”
“I guess so. Safe travels.”
Caleb called out his goodbyes to Dooley and Kennedy, and then he was gone. Lydia plopped down on the sofa that was warm from where Caleb had been lounging. She read all the texts and listened to the voicemails. Since Carleigh had shared with Cailín what was going on, she texted her friend first and let her know she was alive and kicking. Okay, maybe not kicking, but she was alive. Next, she texted Dakota letting her know she was okay. Then, she called her mom.
“Lydia Nicole Stone. Why did I think you going off to Alaska was a good idea?”
“Hi, Mom. I’m fine.”
“That’s to be determined. Carleigh said you found your mate. What’s he like? Wait. Call us back on video. I want to see your face.”
Lydia did as her mom requested. Her parents were sitting on the sofa, huddled close.
“Why do you look like the world is ending if you met your mate?” Sophia asked.
“Because he was abducted. His name is Sawyer Beckett, he’s a polar bear shifter, and he’s awesome. Well, probably not at the moment considering he was taken. His mother, the Queen of their pack, and one of his sisters are also missing, and we’re pretty sure his sisters’ father is responsible. I’m working with Carleigh and Dooley, one of Beck’s packmates, to get them back.”
“Hey, Bug. Locke and I can be on a plane within the hour. Just say the word,” Nikolas said.
“Thanks, Dad. I appreciate the offer. If Dooley, Carleigh, and I get stuck, I might take you up on it.”
“Ooph. Damn, Gio, you’re killing my bladder, kid. Lydia, tell us everything.”
Lydia smiled at her mom scolding her round belly. She reclined on the sofa with her feet propped on the arm and did as Sophia asked, recounting everything that happened, minus the sex. She also left out how she struggled the last few hours of walking alone.
“A flamethrower? That’s my girl,” her mother praised.
Nikolas let out an exasperated sigh, but he was grinning. “Don’t encourage her.”
“Oh, come on, Gorgeous. You have to admit that’s badass.”
Lydia curled onto her side and let her parents’ gentle bickering wash over her.
“I want a fucking flamethrower.” Locke knelt behind the sofa, looking at her between their parents’ heads.
“Language.” Sophia tried to swat at Locke, but he ducked her hand.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to say flamethrower. But I’m with Dad on this, Lydia. You shouldn’t rely on someone you don’t know to have your back. You saw how many of us were there for Bas last month.”
“And he was going up against a whole pack of wolves. This isn’t the same thing. Besides, you don’t need to miss any more school right now.”
“Psh. I’m coasting at this point. I could miss the rest of the year and still pass all my classes.” Locke huffed against his fingers and rubbed them on his chest.
“I’m sure, Mister Smarty Pants.” Locke took after their uncle Julian in the brains department. Carleigh’s dad was a literal genius, and Locke wasn’t far behind. Only Connor was smarter. Genetics were strange. “Seriously, though. It’s going to be a lot of Carleigh and Dooley doing their voodoo with computers. I’m not going back out until I have a solid lead on where to look, and that could take days.”
“Okay, Bug. We’ll play it your way. For now.”
“Thanks, Dad.”
“Why hasn’t Sebastian sent an army to Alaska already?” Sophia asked.
“Because he doesn’t know I’m here.” When her mom started to protest, Lydia held up her hand. “And I want to keep it that way. He and Dakota have enough to deal with. Like I said, right now, it’s all about gathering intel.”
Sophia leaned her head against Nikolas’s shoulder, then she popped right back up. “I almost forgot. We found a house in New York. We hired someone Lucy recommended to update it, andit’s going to be stunning when it’s finished. I’ll send the link to your email.”
“I’llsend the link. Mom can’t remember shi— anything nowadays,” Locke said.