Page 42 of Filthy Devil
Something slides through me, and I’m not sure if it’s a thrill or a warning. I watched Nash kill once, and I know he did it a second time. But neither of those guys was part of his group.
Should I be scared of him?
“You should be scared of everyone, babe. You’re vulnerable.”
I spoke the question aloud, even though I didn’t mean to. Sucking in a breath, I hold it for a moment. I’m not sure I want to ask what makes me vulnerable. Sure, I’m a twenty-year-old woman with no path in life and no way to make it on my own, but I don’t think that’s what he’s referring to.
“I’m vulnerable?” I ask in a whisper.
He tilts his head to the side, his brows furrowing as if he is confused, but then he explains, and when he does, he chooses his words carefully. His voice is raspy, but his words are poignant, and in an instant, I feel like I’m learning about myself, something that I probably should have already known.
“That contract might be something that will never be held up in court, but in this world, it is as good as gold. You aren’t supposed to be here even if we are keeping you under the guise of protection. Also, they’re looking for you. They want what’s theirs, and they are freaking pissed the fuck off about it.”
Okay. I did know all of that. Maybe not how serious it all is, because I think it’s bigger than I anticipated.
“And to add to that, there is a fucking war happening right now. Not only would someone like to take you as a fucking hostage, but also, you’d be good to trade. All that being said, Nash made it clear that you were not to be seen. When it comes to you, we protect you at all costs, and that’s that.”
Protect me at all costs. I don’t know what to say to that. I don’t know how to feel about that. Any of it. Lifting my bottle of water to my lips, I take a long drink, swallow, and try to think of something to say. I’m kind of frozen in place, unsure of what to say, and at the same time, just feeling as if there is something more to this.
“I’m not important,” I whisper. “Not for anything like this.”
“My name’s Tommy G,” he oddly states before he continues speaking. “No, you aren’t important. Not really. You’re a body with easily usable and sellable parts.”
A chill of dread slides down my spine at his words. I know he’s right. I am just that, and that is what I did to myself. However, I can’t help but feel icky about it. I know this is the underworld, that lines are blurred here. I did this to myself, and I can’t even say that I regret it because it led me to Nash, but I also can’t deny that I’m scared shitless of what’s to come.
“I don’t want anyone to get hurt, and I don’t know what a war even means,” I murmur, looking at the label on my water bottle.
Tommy G snorts, then shakes his head a couple of times. “Babe, there is always a war. This time, you’re just mixed up in it. Next time, it’ll be something and someone else. But we ain’tgonna worry about it. We’re just gonna keep you safe until it all works out.”
“I don’t know how I feel about that,” I whisper.
I don’t want anyone to feel responsible for me, by force or otherwise. It’s bad enough that Nash is protecting me when he probably shouldn’t. He was just told to take me out of that truck, and now here I am.
But I also can’t be responsible for myself right now.
I messed up big time, and now all these people who don’t even know me have to pick up the pieces? How is that right?
“Feel any fuckin’ way you want. But it’s the way it is. Now do you want a beer?” he asks.
My lips twitch into a small smile. “No, thank you,” I murmur.
“Then I’ll have to drink yours,” he states as he lifts his hand and motions for the bartender to bring him another drink.
The rest of the afternoon, I stay right next to Tommy G, and we talk. It isn’t about anything deep, but I get to know him a little, and he gets to know me. Not that I have a whole lot to know. And that’s where Nash finds me when he returns from places unknown—sitting next to Tommy G, learning about all of his life’s adventures and laughing the entire time.
When I walkinto the clubhouse, I don’t expect the sight that greets me. It’s Tommy G and James bellied up to the bar together. He’s grinning at her while she throws her head back in laughter. I should feel fucking jealous as hell because one of my brothers is talking to her, making her laugh, but I don’t.
As if she can sense my appearance, she turns to look over her shoulder at me. When her eyes find mine, her lips curve up into asmirk. Then she lifts her hand and gives me a slow wiggle of her fingers.
I don’t move.
Instead, I clear my throat and dip my chin slightly. Searching her gaze with mine, I watch as she slides off the barstool and then slowly moves toward me. She isn’t trying to be sexy. She just is. It’s fucking gorgeous.
I flick my gaze to Tommy G. He jerks his chin at me, giving me a wink, then turns back to his booze. I shift my attention back to James as she approaches. She stops when she’s within arm’s reach and tilts her head back.
“I don’t want to be the cause of anyone getting hurt or any type of war. I just want to live life, and if that means I have to go back there to keep from anything happening to anyone, then I will.”