Page 64 of Filthy Devil
Before she responds, the door opens, and I watch as a doctor walks through. He stops beside the bed as James slips off the mattress and stands to the side. Silently, he walks over to a computer and starts to type on the keyboard. Then he hums as he finally lifts his gaze to meet mine.
“I feel comfortable releasing you tomorrow as long as you take it easy. No rock climbing or anything crazy,” the doctor says, attempting to joke.
I chuckle, although it’s fake as fuck. I don’t want a dang thing to deter my leaving this fucking place. I am ready to get the fuck out, fuck, and sleep in my bed.
He goes over all the information about my stay, the surgery, and the sutures and then sends in a request for a follow-up to someone. Don’t know who, don’t give a fuck. I am ready to leave here and never fucking come back.
“Do you have any questions for me?” the doctor asks.
“Nope,” I state.
He smiles, then shifts his attention to James, and I watch as his demeanor changes. I watch as he takes a step toward her,facing her completely, then extends his arm, his palm reaching out for a handshake.
“I’m Doctor Slater. Do you have any questions or concerns about your father’s condition or care?”
Arching a brow, I watch as James’s gaze flicks to mine, and then, as she shakes the doctor’s hand, her lips curve up into a smirk. She’s going to say something. I know she is. Something that is going to make him uncomfortable. I can tell by the way she’s eyeing me. I’m ready to hear it, too.
“Oh, I’m pretty sure I can take good care of Daddy,” she purrs.
Fuck me.
Biting the inside of my cheek, I try not to burst out laughing at her words. I watch as her hand slips from his, then she walks over to me and takes my hand. The doctor looks down at our joined palms, then flicks his gaze back up to hers.
He doesn’t say anything, but I can tell he’s starting to figure it out. Then she leans down and touches her mouth to mine. She turns her head and looks at the doctor again.
“Really good care of him.”
The doctor grunts, then turns around and marches out of the room. That’s when I hear her giggle beside me. Shaking my head, I shift my attention to James. She’s got a smile on her face as wide as the fucking Grand Canyon. She looks beautiful, stunning, and breathtaking all at the same time.
King waitsfor me at the exit of the hospital in a big SUV. I look at James and smirk. “This the one you stole?” I ask. I hear her breath hitch from beside me. But she doesn’t answer me, which means this is the one she stole.
Chuckling, I grunt as I climb into the back of the car. I don’t know if I’m in more pain because of the surgery or if it’s because I’m fucking old, and everything hurts ten times worse than it did a few years ago.
Once we’re in the car and King pulls out of the drive, I lift my hand and flip the building off. The staff was fine, the doctors were okay, but the nurses were better. I just hope that I never have to go back there.
“Dad,” King grumbles.
“Hate being locked up in there. Also hate that I won’t be able to ride my bike for a few more weeks.”
There is a moment of silence, and then King pulls up to a drive-through coffee place. “You want something?” he asks, looking at me through the rearview mirror.
I shake my head. I don’t want coffee. I want a bottle of Crown, a joint, and an orgasm. In no particular order. I have no fucking desire for a designer coffee. King laughs as if he already knew my answer, but then he turns to James.
“You want something?” he asks. “I know Shawn’s order by heart.”
With a smirk, I chuckle to myself because if anyone knows their wife's coffee order, it’s my son. I’ve never been prouder of him than I am when he’s being a husband and father. Sure, he’s a good man and a great brother in the club, but that doesn’t compare to him being a father and husband.
I only hope I can be half of what he is to James.
James orders something, but I don’t hear her. I’m already failing at being a decent man to her. King repeats her order, then rattles off something else, and a few moments later, we have two drinks that look more like dessert than coffee, and we’re on the way home.
When we pull up into my driveway, I look at the house. It’s been a while since I’ve been here. I hope I didn’t leave it a fucking disaster for them. King shifts the SUV intoPark, then looks over his shoulder at me.