Page 46 of Fury
“Step away from the vehicle,” the officer instructed. “Slowly.”
Davis nodded. Did as they asked. Fury stuck to his side but made no effort to hide the way he scrutinized every move the officers made.
When he neared Hollyn, she wrapped her arms around his neck. Davis slid his arms around her waist. She clung to him like she had no intention of letting go. Fine with him. He’d stay like this as long as she wanted to.
“I’m so sorry.” She cried quietly into his bum shoulder. “I never should have left the house.”
Davis had royally screwed up by leaving Hollyn at the house. He wouldn’t make that mistake again. She was going to get sick of how close an eye he was about to keep on her.
“Just glad you’re safe,” he said for her ears only.
Fury pawed his leg. Pushed his giant head between them.
Jealous much?
Davis reached down to pet the lug’s head.
“Thank you for coming.” Hollyn sniffed.
The word was out before he even had time to examine it. But it was the truth. Didn’t matter how much time or distance had come between them over the years. She was the one person he’d drop anything for. Always had been. Always would be.
What’re you doing, man?
It felt too good to have her in his arms. This was dangerous ground. And not just physically.
Davis could see the officers checking Hollyn’s car now. They motioned to each other, and one of them was radioing for something.
Slowly, Hollyn pulled back. Wiped at her eyes. Her other hand gripped his bicep.
Her brow furrowed. “They aren’t going to stop, are they? Whoever’s behind this. Not until I’m dead too.”
The way her chin quivered was like a KA-BAR to the gut. But he refused to entertain the thought of her dying. Forced a grin. “Well, then, their mission is scrubbed. ’Cause they’re gonna have to go through me from now on.”
* * *
Hearing him say that made Hollyn’s heart skip a beat. But just as quickly as the feeling came, she admonished herself. Davis was just being protective of her. Nothing more. It was how he was built and what he’d been trained to do for the last decade. He saved people. Protected people. It didn’t mean he loved them or felt anything other than a sense of dedication to the mission.
She was just the most recent mission. She couldnotlet herself be swept away by romantic frivolities based on feelings from their past. Her chest ached from an erratic heartbeat that hadn’t stilled since the chase began. Now it was freaking out for a completely different reason. She rubbed her sternum. Willed the thumping to slow, but it didn’t. Especially not with his close proximity.
“Ma’am, I need to take your statement.” A tall officer nodded for her to join him. He didn’t come too close, and Hollyn had an idea that it was likely due to the furry beast currently panting at her side.
Regretfully, Hollyn broke contact with Davis to step away with the officer. But even as she answered question after question, she couldn’t stop her gaze from lifting over the guy’s shoulder to Davis every few seconds. Each time she did, it confirmed that he hadn’t taken his eyes off her. It was unnerving. Electrifying.
Tugging the blanket tighter around her body, Hollyn tried to focus on talking about the chain of events before her crash. A sneeze crept up, and she sucked in a sharp breath, trying to stop it. A sneeze would be murderous with her injured nose.
“Are you okay?” The officer looked concerned.
“Yeah,” she replied, relieved when the urge to sneeze passed. “Just in a little pain.”
That was an understatement. Her face was killing her right now—more like her wholebodywas killing her—and the thought of rattling it made her cringe. But at least whatever the EMT—who’d said it wasn’t broken—had swabbed into her nostrils had stemmed the bleeding. Her shirt was history, though. Same with her car.
But she was alive.
Something she’d be thanking God about for the rest of her life.
“Can you describe the vehicle that was following you?” The officer’s Middle Eastern accent was thick.