Page 5 of Forbidden Cowboy
“My knitting group scheduled a planned visit to their shop at two o’clock sharp, and they were closed.”
Thomas sends Josie a scowling warning before fixing his attention on Mrs. Graves. “Again, we have no control over business owners’ hours.”
Mrs. Graves balances on her cane as she unsteadily rises to her feet. “I say we take a vote.” She strikes her cane on the side of the chair.
“Take a vote. Take a vote.” Josie stomps her white suede booties on the wood plank floor.
Thomas raises his hands. “We are not voting. The first topic on the fair agenda is—” He slides his glasses down his nose to read the paper before him.
“The Knit Happens topic is just getting started,” Josie loudly whispers and pops a handful of popcorn in her mouth.
“Can you keep quiet for one meeting?” Jade reaches across me and tries to snatch the popcorn. Josie lifts the bag away and sticks out her tongue.
“Sign up for volunteer scheduling will be online this year.” A thunder of groans erupts. “I’ve been informed it’s fast and convenient,” Thomas rushes on.
“What’s wrong with a signup sheet at the door?”
“Or sign-ups now. I’ll help with games.”
“I’ll sell tickets.”
“I’ll stand at the concession.”
“Sign-ups are online!” Thomas shouts.
“Then what are we all doing here? If we don’t know what we’re doing, why are we having a meeting?”
“To vote on Knit Happens hours.” Josie slinks in her chair, accompanied by her evil chuckle.
“I second the vote.” Mrs. Graves agrees.
“No voting. Onto the matter of the burned kissing booth.”
I straighten in my chair. The excitement is bubbling through my veins like hot water. You might wonder what’s up with this girl and the kissing booth—besides raising absurd amounts of money. I had my very first kiss in the fair kissing booth.
Never been kissed.
I hadn’t intended to be a volunteer—I was underage. In a confusion of sorts, the director ushered me to the stand for a single kiss. With no other than—my gaze falls on the man I can’t seem to keep my eyes off—Levi Wilde.
That’s right. My first kiss was with the forbidden boy next door. And not because I’m some girl in the back of the bleachers swooning over the popular guy. I’m a Fox. My family owns and operates Fox Lodge, the largest dude ranch for miles. I’m a catch. But the problem is, that’s how guys see me. Asthe catch.But not Levi. He’d seen me as me—until he saw me as the enemy. The kissing booth is a reminder never to forget that. And this year, I will make the best damn kissing booth the town has ever seen.
“The kissing booth is canceled.”
My heart stops.
Canceled? What?!
“I second that vote!” Jade stands up. Her arm shoots into the air like we’re back in high school.
“There’s no voting.” Thomas clears his throat, but my sister speaks over him. She has a knack for talking over people.
“The Kissing booth is a degrading tradition towards women.” Jade clamps her hands on her hips.