Page 47 of Fated Shot
“You’re not from Toronto?” I ask.
“No, actually, I’m from Prince Edward Island, born and raised.” We went to Charlottetown, PEI, once when I was little. The red sand island isn’t known for much other than Anne of Green Gables and mussels. A stark contrast to the bustling downtown of Toronto.
“Wow! That’s a big change.”
“It was, yeah. I’ve always heard about the big city, so after graduating, I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I figured I’d try it for a year, but then I met Scott, and, well, the rest is history. I’m counting down the years until I can move back, though.”
I nod, carefully taking a sip of my latte, my other hand bracing a balancing Kaia on my knee. “The things you do for love, eh?”
She nods and laughs melodically. “Scott promised me five more years, and then it’s potato farmer life for us. Isn’t that right, Kaia-girl?” POTATOES. How could I have forgotten PEI’s other calling card? Gotta love those red-soil spuds. I laugh, trying to picture the three of them on a farm. Never judge a book by its cover, I guess.
“Soo, what about you? I saw that guy from your parent’s house, the good-looking one, bringing in the cake. Is he your boyfriend?”
Even the thought of that night gives me the ick. I must be a lot worse at hiding my emotions than I thought because Camille immediately chimes in, “Or maybe not?”
“That’s… a long story.”
“I’ve got coffee and another hour and a half in her wake window, so basically nothing but time.”
I look over at her as she smiles reassuringly, taking a sip of her coffee readying for a storytime. I don’t think she’ll give this up, so it’s best to lean into the whole bonding thing, right?
I spare her most of the darker details. “We broke up before the summer, kind of messy. I needed space from him and I hadn’t really spoken to him much at all. Then, out of the blue, he decided to show up as a birthday surprise, more an ambush though.”
“Ouf, men are the worst.”Tell me about it. I nod.
“Wait!” A huge, excited smile lighting her face. “That means you’re on the market! OMG, let me matchmake you!” She claps her hands, giddy in her chair waiting for my reply.
“Haha, I appreciate that, but I think I’m good.”
Not that I’m taken—or am I? What the heck am I talking about? No, definitely not. I brush that away immediately. Not taken, but definitely—preoccupied. Just the thought alone of dating Jack gives me equal parts butterflies and crippling anxiety.
“Come on! I’ve got a six month old, no family in town, and a husband who’s gone half the time, let me live vicariously through youuuu.”
Admitting that I am actually sleeping with Jack Brody doesn’t seem like a good way to start a new friendship, so instead, I decide to humor her. With a joking sigh, I roll my eyes and say, “Maybe.”
“I’ll take it!” She smiles enthusiastically, “Are you into hockey players?”
Well, I’m definitely intoonehockey player.
“Not really.”Lie. Who could possibly be into a built, man-giant brimming with muscles, aggression on the ice, and softness off the ice? It’s like something straight out of BookTok.
I continue, “It’s a tough life—constantly getting uprooted, with all the attention on you, and behind the scenes, it’s just lonely.” All true facts, exactly why I’ve never wanted to pursue any athletes, not as if I could get one anyway.
Camille nods as her expression shifts to slightly saddened, she would certainly understand more than most. I regret saying anything, because obviously this is the life she chose, and I love that she did, it just means she’s a heck of a lot stronger than me.
I watch as she pushes through, though, replacing her face with a cheerful smile again. “But they’re all so hot.”
I laugh, “True.” That is very, very, very true.
“Okay, okay. Let me think,” she says, tapping her chin, and gazing at the ceiling.
“Theo Benson’s a cutie, probably about your age. Super laser-focused… maybe a little intense actually…”
She shakes her head, thinking again.
“Maybe Evan Norwood? He’s a little older, always pretty sweet. He’s a goalie though, so you know, probably a little freaky, but maybe that’s your thing?”
I giggle, shaking my head no.