Page 50 of Fated Shot
“Bro’s been giggling and blushing into his phone for days,” Evan adds.
Theo, taking a newfound interest in our locker room chirping, decides to join in. Since the start of the season, he’s been really coming out of his shell. It’s great for building up the team dynamic, even if it is at my expense.
“You got a girl, Brody?” he asks.
I wish. Wait, Fuck. Is she my girl? No, she’s not. The disappointment of that statement is a bit too much to dig into right now.
“Just texting a friend,” I say exclusively to Theo.
“Oh yeah, I have quite a fewfriendstoo,” Max chimes in, making air quotations around friends. “The play is to keep them on rotation—it keeps things fresh.”
I roll my eyes, ignoring him, starting on my own skates.
“And how’s that working for you, bud,” Evan asks.
“Just fine, thanks. Bachelor for life,” he shouts, pumping his fist in the air. Honestly, this time last year, I would have joined in on that sentiment. I wouldn’t have fist pumped, because I’m a fucking adult, but I definitely would have settled for a nod of agreement. It’s not that I’ve never wanted a relationship, just thatI’ve never even met anyone I’ve wanted to spend more than twenty four hours with until…
Scott interrupts, thankfully, before I dig myself deeper into the inevitable hole that’s undoubtedly enveloping me. Coming out of the shower, he addresses the lot of us. “Boys, I can’t make it out tonight, family time.” This immediately elicits a round of playful boos.
That honestly sounds a lot more fun, but all I have at home is an empty fridge, and my current favorite distraction is busy tonight. The conversation turns to our plans for the evening, and just like that, the heat is off me again.
Turns out the relief was only temporary, though, because the moment we get into my car, Penn turns to me. “Are you dating someone?”
How the fuck does one even know that? Am I supposed to ask her? Even if we were dating, it’s not like I could share that withanyone, let alone this gossip.
“Really? Cus’ it sure as hell seems like it.” His tone is a whole lot sharper than usual.
“Geez. What’s with the third degree, Penn?”
“I just want you to tell me the truth.” His words come out with a soft edge, laced with quiet hurt.
Don’t think, just do was his whole idea and the reason I’m in this mind-fucking situation. What does he want from me? There’s no winning here.
“Listen, I’m just doing what everyone told me to do. I’m putting myself out there,” I snap back before I’m able to restrain myself.
He frowns, refusing to meet my gaze as he mumbles under his breath, “I just think I should know these things before the rest of the team does. We’re supposed to be brothers…” Shit. There it is.
The silence hangs heavy as I sink into the weight of my guilt. He shakes his head and mutters, “You know what, never mind.”
It’s not like I’m withholding information from him specifically. There’s just nothing that I can share, and the rest of the guys are observant, nosy fuckers.
“There’s nothing to know, Penn. I promise.” I say, my voice relaxed, more disappointed than berating.
“Who is she?” he asks.
I let out a sigh, it’s clear he’s not going to drop this anytime soon.
“It’s my Wyndham girl, okay? I don’t even know what’s happening, so I couldn’t even tell you if I wanted to.”
“Fine.” He lets out an equally frustrated sigh, but turns to me with an understanding look. “Well, are you happy?”
“I’m happy, Penn.”
“Good,” is all he says for the rest of the drive home.
Chapter 21