Page 17 of Demon's Dark Love
I turn, my stomach tense. What now?
"I’ve lost my ruby ring in the lake," Bethana bellows through the courtyard. "I need it. You’ll retrieve it by sundown.”
A murmur of excitement ripples through the nearby demons. I swallow hard.
“You should just let her drown,” Griselda sneers. Her eyes glint with sadistic pleasure.
"I hear some humans are actually good swimmers,” Bethana sneers. “Twelve hours. Someone get her the proper clothes, Griselda, to swim or drown in. And tell the demons we may have some interesting entertainment this afternoon.”
Griselda nods and then immediately hands me off to a lesser demon.
Dread curls around my heart.
"Come with me," the servant demon who looks like a shadow says. "Those skirts will pull you down. We want you to last at least a few minutes."
I glance at the demon, unable to tell if they are being kind or cruel.
Whispers follow me as I descend after the shadow.
“What a pity to lose this one,” one demon quips. “She was so good at cleaning those high windows.”
“Can’t wait to see if she sinks or floats,” another adds.
"Is the monster still down there?” another says. “I can't remember if he's hibernating this time of year or not."
I grit my teeth, pushing aside their taunts.
Soon I’m alone in my chamber, pulling on closer fitting garments in preparation. I feel a presence behind me.
Enoch is walking through the doorway, tall, handsome, his red eyes glowing.
“Lily!” His voice drops low.
He glances at the open door behind him before pulling something from his pocket, a shimmering ring that seems to pulse with energy. Silver mesh encases it like a small, glittering sieve.
“This will help you breathe underwater,” he says quickly. “But you have to come up occasionally so you don't attract suspicion. Hide it in your pocket until you need it.”
I stare at him, disbelief mixed with gratitude. I hastily pocket it.
“I’m going to make a show of giving you these ridiculous goggles.” He brandishes an enormous bug-eyed pair. “It will seem like I'm mocking you in front of everyone but trust me, they’ll help.”
“Because I'll look so cute Bethana will change her mind about seeing me drown?” I say, looking at them and raising an eyebrow.
He smirks, mischief sparking in his crimson eyes. “You’ll be stunningly ridiculous.”
His face turns serious.
“I'm going to support you no matter what,” he says softly, letting his gaze linger on mine. "I'm not going to let you drown."
I feel my heart leap into my throat, a mixture of hope and something else.
"What about the monster?"
"Monster?" He looks confused, then smiles. "Oh, him. Don't worry. He's not awake this time of year."