Page 31 of His Little Devil
“Jade, you need to stop doing this to yourself. Silver is gone. I watched her step through that portal with my own eyes. She accepted darkness. Even if she were to return… she wouldn’t be the same.”
I place a hand on her trembling shoulder, and turn her back to the hall. Her eyes meet Wells, lying on his bed.
“Will he ever wake up?”
I sigh, and shake my head. “I don’t know. The doctors say that physically he’s fine—but still, he sleeps. Clara thinks he's spelled himself, but I don't know if it's true. What worries me is that I can’t see his future. Even with the advancement to my powers. I’m blocked from him, same with Silver.”
Nodding, she walks into the living room and opens the secret door in the fireplace. I follow her down the stone steps, into the chamber, holding all of our altars and grimoires. Though I guess now that Silver is gone, we can bring this all back upstairs, and take down all the props.
She takes a seat on the sofa down here and picks up the children’s book that Don and I found before everything went to shit.
Reaching for her purse, she pulls out an envelope with my name written on it in fancy calligraphy.
“I got one for Wellson, Donovan, and myself, too. Before you have a meltdown, I just wanted to tell you that it’s mandatory. I know Wells won’t be able to go, but you may want to try and convince Don. I don’t think he wants to deal with the consequences.”
She hands it to me, and before I even open it, I know what it is. My head throbs and I close my eyes as a powerful vision hits.
Silver in a revealing lace white gown, sitting on a throne of skulls, laughing and drinking wine with Luke. People walk up to them and bow, offering them gifts and praises.
Luke grabs her hand and pulls it to his lips, kissing the large blood diamond on her finger.
Shaking my head,I grimace. “Yeah, I’m glad that Wellson won’t have to endure his heart breaking even more,” I grumble, then leave the room. Walking back up the steps, I keep moving until I reach my chair beside Wellson’s bed.
I pick up the book once more and open to the page I bookmarked.
Footsteps sound behind me, and I don’t flinch when Jade places her hand on my shoulder, giving it a squeeze.
“We have a coven meeting, Arrow. Tomorrow night. Don’t be late, okay? And please, try to call Don. I know that Silver isn’t around, but she would be hurt if something happened to him.”
I nod and wait until she’s gone, then close my eyes and try to see what he’s up to right now.
It doesn’t take long.
“Mylie, go grab us a cart,”Don says to the little girl with dark hair plaited in pigtails. She’s actually really cute, and reminds me of someone.
“So, I’m cooking tonight. I really can’t thank you enough for babysitting the last few days. I know Mylie loves spending time with you, and it’s a much better arrangement than her sitting in the corner of the bar with her tablet.”
Don nods and hands her a loaf of bread as Mylie brings them the cart.
“I don’t mind hanging with the little squirt. Keeps me busy. She showed me the cove yesterday. This place is full of hidden secrets, isn’t it?” Don jokes, and I don’t think he notices the woman’s face pale, but I do…
Interesting, and this is rather boring. All they are doing is shopping and talking about some man named Frank.
Pullingmy magic back toward me, I decide to leave him be and call him tomorrow. I’m dreading this conversation, and praying that it goes to voicemail, like all the other calls have.
These past few weeks have been just what I needed. Early mornings walking the beach, breathing in the salty air, hanging out with Myah and Mylie in the afternoons.
I've gotten really good at building sandcastles, and I'm enjoying the break from magic. No spells, potions, coven meetings.
It's been heaven so to speak. Though I can't help wondering how Arrow and Wells are. He calls me daily, but I haven't answered.
Not yet. I want to stay in this town of denial for a little longer.
I have decided to return, but I don't know when.
Myah and Mylie have become important to me. I'm not ready to leave them. They remind me of what a family should be like.