Page 5 of His Little Devil
“Yeah. The new plan, which no one was fucked to inform us of, is right on schedule. Why?” I grunt, and he gives me a stern glare in response.
“Watch it!” he snarls, and I raise my eyebrows.
Luke has never tried to use his authority on us. He seems on edge tonight though, and I have to wonder if maybe Wells was right. Does he have a thing for Silver?
I try to look into his mind, but I’m being blocked. He gives me a smirk, and I sigh, rubbing my eyes.
“I am much stronger than you, Arrow,” he says with a sinister grin, and I pause. Luke has always been more of a laid back guy. I don't know who is standing in front of me right now.
“It’s been a long fucking night. If you’re looking for Alara or Mr. Blake, they will be in the forest by now, setting things up for tomorrow night,” I murmur.
He nods, then turns and leaves.
“That was fucking weird,” Don remarks after he’s gone.
“This whole night has been off,” I say with a yawn following. “We need to hurry or we’re going to get caught. Text Clara and Jade and tell them to meet us at Alara’s office.”
Don takes out his phone as we continue to walk. The fake police lights are now gone, and I shake my head at the absurdity of the illusion they casted.
Did they really need to go to such extremes to cover up the kidnapping?
“Done. Jade said that she saw my dad and Alara in the woods with an unconscious Silver, floating in front of them, heading to the cells.”
I shiver, thinking back to the last time we were in those cells. Mr. Blake had beaten Don bloody, and left him there to learn his lesson. Wells and I tried to break him out, and we suffered just as badly when we were caught.
“They won’t hurt her. They need her to ascend,” Don reminds me, and I nod, taking in some deep breaths, shaking off the memories and the chills it left behind.
“Let’s just get this done with,” I grunt as we reach the steps of the academy. Clara is waiting at the top, and she seems to be just as distraught as we are.
“Boys, I wish there was another way, but you know there isn’t,” she says before squeezing my arm. “I’ve disabled any traps or alarms, but we need to be fast. Do you really think they have Wellson?” she asks as we quietly move along the halls toward the Headmistress’s office.
Don scoffs and then groans. “They have to be behind this,” he says, crossing his arms over his chest. Jade gives us a nod as she opens the door, stepping aside to let us in.
“I think our best bet would be to form a circle and do a search spell,” Clara suggests, and I follow her lead.
She is the one with the most power here at the moment. Don and I aren't anything to sneeze at, but she’s more advanced.
“Okay, close your eyes and clear your mind as best you can. Picture Wellson. His dark hair, cinnamon eyes, maybe his tattoos. The way he would call Silver, Snow. Think of a memory with him. Open your center to search for him. Don’t shy away from the power running through your blood,” she advises and I smile, remembering one of the last times we hung out just the two of us.
Wellson was always playing pranks on me, but he is my brother, and I love and fucking miss him. We need to find him. Get him back where he belongs.
A white light begins to descend upon the room as the spell works, but I don’t feel any different.
“That’s odd. There seems to be a powerful block on his location,” Clara mumbles and then releases my hand. The light disappears and she looks over to the window. “There is nothing here, I’m afraid,” she says with a sigh, and Jade sniffles.
“This is so messed up. We need to find him before it's too late,” she shouts, releasing my hand, then running for the door.
Clara watches her go and I notice the concern on her face.
“There has to be something!” Don shouts, no longer caring that we are trying to be quiet.
“I’m sorry, Donovan, but there isn’t. Your father and Alara are not behind Wellson’s disappearance.”
“Then who the fuck is?!” I snap. I’m exhausted, and the fact that my visions are blocked at the moment is not helping anything.
Clara turns to face us, and for once, her skin tone is pale and her hands are shaking.
“I don’t know, but whoever it is, is more powerful and dangerous than all of us combined.”