Page 99 of His Little Devil
Arrow mentioned Alara was missing, but I know exactly where she is. Silver would harness me and walk me down to the dungeons to see her.
She enjoyed taunting and making our old Headmistress miserable. It was quite entertaining until Luke found out and ordered her to stop.
I guess he's planning to release her when she's learned her lesson.
Moving toward the kitchen, I open the fridge for a snack. We don't have many groceries, so I conjure a seafood salad, grab a fork and walk to my room.
I've been holed up in there since I returned and I know it's a disaster. The blankets have all been removed and moved into my closet.
The bed was too big to sleep in alone. I've made a small nest and that's where I head. I don't like to be alone and besides a comatose Wellson, no one is here right now.
Arrow had a meeting with Clara. I guess they want him to take over Blackwell’s job. Not sure he will like it much, but he is next in line.
Playing Desperate Housewives on my laptop, I settle in for my snack. I never thought I'd like this show, but Kane and Silver would binge watch it, and now I'm hooked.
The front door opens and slams shut with such force I feel like there was an explosion outside.
“Donovan Blake, you get your ass out here right this moment. Or so help me God, I will string you up by your toes on the fucking Eifle Tower.”
Jumping up, I hiss at the door. I can hear her footsteps stomping down the hall, getting closer to me.
Leaving my closet I meet her at my bedroom door. Her face is all puffy and her eyes are red. “Liza,” I start. Raising her hand she slaps me across the face, then begins to wail.
Stepping closer to her, I pull her into me, but she pushes me away and pounds onto my chest.
“How could you, Donnie? You disappear for months and don't call me when you return. I am your sister! Do you know how many nights I scried with a crystal trying to find you?”
“I know. I'm sorry. I wasn't ready for anyone to know I'm back. I may be physically standing here in front of you, but I'm not all here… if that makes sense?”
Wiping her cheeks, she gives me a thorough once over.
“You look fine…”
“I've been a cat and I have some leftover side effects,” I blurt out, and her blue eyes widen until she begins to giggle.
“I'm sorry. That's horrible,” she chokes out, trying to stop her laughter.
Rolling my eyes, I push her aside and head for the living room.
She follows and plops down on the sofa with a sigh. When she places her hands on her stomach, I instantly notice how pregnant she is.
“So that's new,” I unhelpfully comment, and she shakes her head, nodding.
“Yeah, we didn't expect to have any more, but surprise.”
“That's great, sis. I'm happy for you guys. You have always been an amazing mom. I would know.”
Biting her lower lip to stop the wobble, her eyes water once more.
“God, these hormones are crazy. One moment I am wanting to murder a cheeseburger. Next I'm screaming at the kids and then sobbing because I love them so much and they didn't deserve to be yelled at.”
“Wow, that does seem like a lot.” I move closer to her and rest my head on her shoulder. My chest begins to purr as she plays with my hair.
“Umm, so a cat? How did that happen?”
“I pissed off the Devil and he turned me into an adorable fluff ball for Silver. It was horrendous. Being so close to her and her not knowing. Though I do think she suspected something.”
“Oh, yeah, why's that?”