Page 60 of Raised By Wolves
“It’s not working!” Holo shouts through the window.
“You idiot, you just press three buttons! 9-1-1!”
He’s crying and then he disappears from the window, and the next thing I know he’s shoving the phone in my face. The screen is dark.
And I realize that it’s dead.
“Isn’t there a cord?” I shriek.
“No, I looked everywhere!”
Lacey’s hand is getting bigger by the minute. Now there’s blood running down from the wounds, and it looks pale and watery because it’s been thinned by the venom.That must have been one big goddamn snake.
She’s sweating and groaning. She rolls over and vomits again.
“Then get me a towel and the car keys!”
But my brother just stares at me.
“Do you need me tobarkit at you? Get the car keys! And a damp towel!”
“You don’t know how to drive!”
“I’m about to learn, aren’t I?”
With one final terrified glance at Lacey, Holo runs into the house. When he comes back, he’s got what I asked for. “Wrap that tight around her hand,” I tell him. “Keep the plantain on it.” I push Lacey’s hair off her damp forehead. “It’s going to be okay,” I whisper.
But I don’t know if it is.
I pull her to a seated position and then, with Holo’s help, I half carry, half drag her over to her car. We push her into the back seat, fold her legs up, and put a blanket over her. I feel her wrist. The pulse is so faint I almost can’t tell it’s there.
Holo gets in beside her. She’s almost unconscious now. “I turned off the oven,” he tells her. “The cake’s perfect.” Big fat tears start rolling down his cheeks. “Is she going to die?” he asks me.
God, I hope not.I grit my teeth and turn the key.
I yank it out and stab it back in again. Turn. Nothing.
I’ve watched Chester start a car before—I can do this. Can’t I?
“We’re going to get help, don’t worry,” Holo tells Lacey. “It’s going to be okay.”
It’s not going to be okay if I can’t get us out of here.
I can see my brother’s terrified eyes in the rearview mirror. “Make sure her arm’s hanging down off the seat! Keep the bite below heart level—the venom moves slower that way!”
“I’ve got it! Just start the car!” Holo yells.
“I’m trying!” I start pressing pedals with my feet while turning the key at the same time. The car still doesn’t start.
I have to twist around to check on Lacey. Her arm’s going purple—a sign of internal hemorrhaging. “Lift up her head!”
“Drive the fucking car!” Holo screams.
I have to focus. I have to figure this out. Panic makes my fingers shake. I’m overdosing on adrenaline.