Page 23 of Dirty Girl
I’m not ashamedto say that I watched Dylan today. The first time I laid my eyes on her, I wanted to run to her and scoop her up in my arms. I only stayed back out of fear of finding out she’s moved on from me. For the first time since she left, I actually considered that she could have a boyfriend here in this new life she forged for herself.
I followed her from her house to the medical building—worry over if she was sick almost had me barging into the office and demanding to see her, but I controlled myself. Just barely.
When she left there, I followed her to the library and that’s where I’ve been… waiting. Hours later, when she finally closes up shop and walks home, I have to control my rage when I realize she walks everywhere alone—even in the dark and during a damn blizzard.
Once she’s safely behind her door, I try to find a center of calm. I don’t want to fuck this up by snapping at her over her safety or lose control and reclaim her body with mine before we get a chance to talk. Right now, I’m toeing a fine line between anger and desire. I’m not sure which will win out.
One last deep breath and I raise my hand to knock. It’s now or never.
When the door opens, Dylan’s welcoming smile fades into a look of shock. She’s wearing her coat and her hair still sparkles with melting snowflakes. I can’t stop staring at her beautiful heart-shaped face. Sinful, plump lips that are perfect for sweet kisses and look fantastic wrapped around my thick cock. Her cheeks are pink from the cold and seem fuller somehow, but she’s still my Dylan.
Her big gray eyes are wide and reflect so much sadness my heart clenches in my chest. There’s no dancing laughter or sweet innocence shining through. It’s like that light has been snuffed out and something dark left in its place. It makes me want to wrap her in my arms and kiss away all the sadness. I’ll do anything to give her back everything that she lost.
“Can I come in?” I ask, breaking the silence.
Without a word she takes a step back. Her arms wrap tightly around her chest, making it clear she wants to keep her distance. That’s fine for now, we have things to discuss. I pull off my heavy coat and hang it on one of the empty hooks along the wall, then toe my boots off so as to not track water through her home. She watches each of my movements, completely frozen in place.
“How did you find me?” I almost miss her question she asks it so softly.
“Your phone.”
“But I haven’t used it since I left.”
“I know. I’d given up on using it to locate you, but Reg kept watch and two days ago you powered it on and he was able to trace it.”
Tears fill her eyes and she nods as she realizes her mistake.
“Why don’t we sit down and talk?” I keep my voice calm, afraid to freak her out. My showing up has obviously shocked her and she looks seconds away from fainting.
She makes a move to remove her coat, but stops herself before leading me to the small living room. Dylan sits in the only arm chair, avoiding any possibility that we would have to sit next to each other. I take my place on the sofa and again take in my girl.
God she’s beautiful. I feel like I’m seeing sunshine for the first time after nothing but perpetual night. I could sit and bask in this feeling forever, but that won’t fix anything and I have to fix this.
“Everything Emily told you was a lie,” I start, going straight to the point. “She’s a very sick woman and is obsessed with me. I’m not going to lie, I slept with her—once—back in high school. She somehow got it in her head that she’s in love with me.”
I give Dylan a minute to soak that in, before going on.
“I should have told you and I’ve spent every day regretting that I didn’t. That first night I had to leave you was because she was at the club raving on and on about how I fathered her baby. Reg called me to come help control the situation. I assure you that I’ve never been unfaithful to you.”
Tears are now steadily flowing down Dylan’s cheeks and she lets out an anguished sob. I can’t take the distance anymore. I close the small space between us, dropping to my knees in front of her chair so that I can at the very least hold her hands.
“I… she…” My girl is struggling; her sobs making it impossible to speak.
Fuck it.
I stand up and lift her into my arms before sitting with her in the chair. My ass has barely hit the cushion when she rips herself off my lap and is across the room, hugging her body tightly.
“Love, please…,” I plead with her as I move toward her. “Don’t push me away. I can’t stand this distance a second more. I’ve been slowly dying without you. Please, I love you so much, Dylan.”
Her hands move up to her face as she cries uncontrollably into her palms. The coat she was so tightly clinging to gapes open with the movement and I’m dumbstruck by what it reveals. I literally fall to my knees in front of her. I push the coat open, causing it to fall from her shaking shoulders. Her arms fall to her sides and she looks at me with horror.
“Jenson, I…”
My hands are on her belly. A soft bump meets my palms and I stare up at Dylan in awe. I swallow the boulder sized lump that’s taken up residence in my throat. I’m both desperate and terrified to ask the question. She must be able to see the turmoil because she answers before I get the chance to question her.
“He’s yours.”
He. A son. I’m going to be a daddy.
I should be pissed that she’s kept this from me for the last five months, but the only thing I can feel is happiness and gratitude. I quickly stand and pull her into my arms, absolutely loving the feel of her belly between us. I brush my lips over hers in a gentle caress.
“A baby?” I ask in wonder, still reeling from the news.
“Yes, a baby.” She smiles broadly for the first time since I walked back into her life. I vow to myself right then and there that I’ll do everything in my power to make her smile every day for the rest of my life.