Page 27 of Dirty Girl
I’ve gotDylan in my arms again and her head nestled against my chest as she sleeps. I can’t bear to close my eyes because I’m scared she’ll disappear.
As soon as I pulled out and laid her down, she was out. I went to get a warm cloth to clean her up and she was lightly snoring by the time I got back. I gently cleaned her thighs, but when I saw my cum dripping from her pussy the caveman inside me refused to wipe it away.
Now I’m laying here, holding my girl as she rests. I don’t know what will happen when she wakes up. I hope like hell she agrees to come home with me. She seemed genuinely happy to see me after I explained the Emily situation, but that’s no guarantee.
Dylan shifts in her sleep and whimpers. I run my fingers lightly through her hair and she instantly settles back into a peaceful slumber. My mind wanders again to thoughts of the future and how I can convince her to come home when she nudges me. I look down, expecting to see her awake, but she’s still asleep. The nudge happens again and I realize it’s the baby.
I put my hand against her stomach in awe at the feeling. My heart swells in my chest and I feel like it might burst with the amount of joy I’m filled with.
“It’s amazing, isn’t it?” Dylan’s soft voice fills the quiet of the room.
She rolls to her back as I slide down the bed to get closer to her stomach. I lay my hands on either side of her stomach, feeling the precious life within stretch and move. My eyes gloss over with tears. I can’t believe I’m going to be a daddy.
I’ve never felt such a swelling of happiness and pride. Even with things being unsure between Dylan and me, this is perfection. This is everything. I’ve never felt such instantaneous love. I’m already consumed with it. Completely wrapped around his tiny finger. I’ll give him and his mother the world if only she’ll let me.
My eyes meet hers and I’m taken aback by the look of pain reflected in them. I shift so she’s laying fully on the bed and I’m sitting up beside her. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”
“I’m fine.” She smiles up at me, but it doesn’t meet her eyes.
“Bullshit. Tell me, Dylan.”
She shifts on the bed, maneuvering until she is sitting at the edge. I reach out to her, but she stands and moves away. My fingertips barely graze her skin. I openly admire her body, taking in the lush curves. She notices me looking and quickly moves to the dresser.
I can’t hold back my smile when she pulls out one of my dress shirts and shrugs it on. It was in my room at my parent’s house. It pleases me to know that she purposefully took something of mine when she left. Even big with my baby, the shirt is still several sizes too big and hangs down to mid-thigh. My cock stirs at the sight, completely insatiable after being away from her for so long. This definitely isn’t the time, so I grab my boxer briefs from the floor and tug them on.
“I’m so sorry, Jenson. I should have never kept this from you.” Her hand gently rubs over her stomach. Her eyes meet mine and the devastation she’s feeling is clear. “I started to call you a million times, but…” she swallows thickly. “I was so scared. I loved you so damn much and seeing that woman naked in our bed, wearing your grandmother’s ring… I couldn’t risk it.”
I cross the room to her and cup her face in my palms and tip her face so she’s looking up at me. I need her to hear me and see the sincerity in what I’m about to say. I can’t let her doubt me for a second longer. It’s imperative that she knows I love her more than life and that this baby is everything I could’ve hoped for. Finding her and seeing her swollen with my child is the greatest gift.
“Dylan, I love you with everything that I am. I’ve spent the last five months kicking my own ass over not telling you about Emily. I thought she was gone for good and I didn’t want to give you any more reason to doubt us. You were so unsure about our relationship; I couldn’t stand the thought of making things any harder for you. And this baby? I am elated.”
I have no idea what she’s about to say—I don’t give her a chance—I fit my lips to hers and kiss her. I kiss her deeply, stroking my tongue against hers. I thread my fingers through her hair and hold her locked to me. Her hands find my shoulders and she gives in to the moment just like I knew she would. Her kisses are just as hungry as mine. It’s always been this way with us. She gets stuck in her head, worrying about things she shouldn’t and I bring her back by reminding her how perfectly we fit.
I’m seconds away from taking her right back to that bed and worshiping her body all over again, when her stomach picks that moment to growl loudly.
Dylan pulls away and says sarcastically, “Well, that was sexy.”
“You need to eat, love.” I feel like a complete ass for not taking better care of her, it’s well past any reasonable dinnertime and she’s probably starving.
I take her hand and lead her to her small kitchen, where I lift her up to sit on the counter—something I’ve always done when I cook for her. It almost always ends in my mouth, fingers, cock, or all of them inside her delicious pussy, but that’ll have to wait. She smirks at me, knowingly. Telling me she’s probably thinking about the same thing.
Her refrigerator is almost completely bare, as are her cupboards. I quirk an eyebrow at her, disapproval written all over my face.
“I haven’t had a chance to get to the store. The weather has been bad and I don’t like to drive in the snow and ice. My friend, Nora, is supposed to take me tomorrow.”
Shaking my head, I pull out a carton of eggs and some cheese. It won’t be fancy, but a cheese omelet is better than the Ramen noodles she has in the cupboard. I quickly cook up two omelets and hop up on the counter next to her. She tucks into her food, practically inhaling it. She looks up forlornly once her plate is empty. I chuckle under my breath and slide the rest of my eggs onto her plate.
She again devours every bite and I half wonder if she’s going to lick the plate. “Sorry, I skipped lunch today and then well…” She tips her head toward the bedroom.
“You need to take better care of yourself,” I grumble.
Dylan rolls her eyes and shakes her head. “Trust me, this is a one-off situation. I eat like a pig most days.”
The smile that spreads across her face when I reach for her belly is enough to knock the air from my lungs. She’s so beautiful.
“Well, when we get home I’ll make sure to stock the kitchen.”
Her smile falls and she looks down at her hands. I mentally kick my own ass for moving too fast and assuming she’d be ready to move back before we’ve even had a chance to talk. I’m trying to think of a way to fix this because I can see the walls she’s putting up and I can’t allow that to happen. I’ve already got a long line of hurdles to jump in order to make things right. The last thing I need is to stick my foot in my mouth by rushing her. I’m saved by her yawn.
“Come on. Let’s get you to bed.”