Page 27 of Daddy's Princess
“I’ll have you know, I got accepted for three other programs that would have all been more than happy to have me. Two of which offered to put me straight into a design team. IchoseTitan-Rose becausethisis where I want to work after graduation. And that was long before I met your mother.”
“Why didn’t you apply for the program?”
She shifts in her seat uncomfortably and shrugs.
“There has to be a reason. Knowing my mom, she probably sent your advisor at the college an application herself. She’s tenacious when she wants something.”
“You can say that again.” Sugar snorts a little laugh but still doesn’t answer my question.
“You’re obviously very talented. I want to know why, if Titan-Rose is your dream job, that you didn’t apply for the internship program. Tell me.” I know it’s unfair of me, but I put a forceful edge to my tone. The kind of edge that submissives find nearly impossible to not respond to.
“I just didn’t, okay!?” Sugar tosses her napkin on her plate and pushes away from the table, her eyes shooting daggers my way. She very primly tells me she’s going to the restroom before storming off.
I give her a few minutes to get herself sorted out, then drop a few bills on the tabletop before stalking after her. I enter the bathroom quietly enough that Sugar doesn’t realize she’s no longer alone. She’s staring at herself in the mirror, her lips move soundlessly as if she’s giving herself a lecture, or maybe a pep talk.
Not wanting to startle her, I clear my throat, letting her know she’s no longer alone. She gasps, whirling around. “You can’t be in here!”
“And yet here I am.”
“This is the ladies’ room.”
“I’m aware,” I say with a negligent shrug of my shoulders. “We weren’t done talking. If you don’t want to answer my question out there, then you’ll answer it here.”
The brat rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest. “I don’t intend to answer your question here either. Just so we are clear.”
“Hmm… is that so?” I keep my tone deceptively smooth as I close the small distance between us. Her eyes flash with uncertainty for a moment, but then she stands a little taller and doesn’t back down. Not with words and not in her stance. Brave girl.
“It’s none of your business.”
I lean in close, so close, I can smell the sweet vanilla scent of her skin. Unable to resist, I brush my lips lightly over hers. She doesn’t put up a fight. The opposite, in fact. Sugar eagerly presses her lips to mine. Even though it pains me, I don’t let her deepen the kiss. The moment her sweet little tongue licks at my bottom lip, I pull away.
“Everything about you is my business, babygirl. Tell me, why wouldn’t you apply for an internship at your dream company? I’m just trying to make sense of it. I’m not judging you.”
“I just didn’t, okay?” She lets out a resigned sigh when she sees the look on my face that clearly says that isn’t a good enough answer. “Because I was scared. I didn’t apply because what if I didn’t get in? What if my mom is right and that this is just a silly dream that’s on a collision course with failure? What if I’m not good enough?”
Her voice cracks and my heart cracks right along with it. With no thought about right and wrong—we’re beyond that now anyway—I pull her into my arms and hold her close. She’s stiff in my arms for a moment but then melts into me, seeking the comfort I’m willingly offering.
“You’re a brilliant artist, Sugar. I don’t want to hear you doubting your talent ever again.” It comes out a lot more harshly than intended, but I want to make sure we are clear that I won’t tolerate even the slightest bit of negative self-talk. “How could you ever doubt your own abilities? You got into one of the most prestigious art schools in the country. My mother sought you out in your very first student showcase. Hell, the fact that you were in a student showcase in your first year is proof enough of your talent. Those are reserved for upperclassmen.”
She pulls away just enough so she can look up at me with wide eyes. “When you put it like that it sounds kind of silly.”
My lips tilt up in a half-smile. “It does sound silly.” I tuck her hair behind one ear, letting my fingers run through the silky strands. “Don’t let the voices of toxic people be the loudest voice in your head.”
The moment is broken by the ringing of my cell phone. I pull it out of my pocket to silence the annoying thing, but then my eyes land on the time and I curse, answering the call. Sugar attempts to pull away, and I hold fast, not letting her.
My secretary’s voice fills my ear. Apparently, my two o’clock is early, and she doesn’t know what to do with him. I tell her to get Theo to go over the designs with Mr. Lea and that I’ll be there shortly.
“Theo, sir? But what about…”
“Yes, Theo. Jeff’s busy with other projects,”—and he’s an utter and complete fuck up, and I don’t want him within a mile of Mr. Lea—“Theo is the lead illustrator on the project he’s the perfect person to do a walk through with Mr. Lea.”
“Very well, sir.” I can hear the resignation in her tone. I can sympathize, Jeff is going to be a real pain in the ass when he finds out that I purposefully kept him out of a meeting with one of our top-earning authors. He can kiss my ass because I’m done putting up with his shit. It’s time he realizes how thin the ice is that he’s skating on.
“Sorry, sweetheart, I have to get back to the office.”
The car ride back to the office is a silent one. Sugar stares out the window lost in thought. I can practically see her sliding her walls firmly back in place. She might’ve shown me a bit of vulnerability, but it’s clear that she’s not ready to admit that there is something between us. She’s going to learn quickly that I don’t give up.
Sugar is mine.