Page 4 of Daddy's Princess
I feelhis eyes on me from across the room. I’ve surreptitiously been watching him watching me. I didn’t realize anyone was paying me any attention until I heard Brock and his little band of jerks say my name. They started laughing, talking about the ‘new guy’ wasting his time on stuck up brats. I’ve learned to ignore the perceived insults that get lobbed my way.
I’m not a brat. Well, I suppose all babygirls are bratty sometimes, but I’m not one by nature. They are only bitter because I turned them down. They aren’t at all the kind of dominant I’m attracted to, in part because they are always drinking. Sure, they are handsome enough, I guess, but not one of them hasthe look. You know the one? Where they level their gaze on you, and you feel like they are looking into your very soul. With one quirked eyebrow, you know you’re in trouble. Some doms have a way of looking at you with possessive fierceness that makes a girl feel small and safe. Like they could take on any and everything not only from their submissive, but that they could take on the world too.
That’s what I want. That’s what the mystery dom staring at me from across the room has. Well, not just that. He’s sexy as fuck too. He’s tall, at least six feet, and built like a football player. He’d positively tower over me. A little shiver of desire licks through me at the thought of his big body over mine as he thrusts into my willing body. His big hand firm, yet gentle around my throat silently telling me he’s in charge. That he could do whatever he wanted to me and I couldn’t stop him.
It takes a tremendous amount of willpower to keep my focus on my sketch. As it is, the man in the drawing is suspiciously looking more and more like the man across the room. Since he can’t seem to keep his eyes off me either, I figure it’s only fair. Bit by bit, the man takes shape until he’s staring back at me from the page with that same intense look.
I hazard another glance, and I’m slightly shocked to see Brock approaching him. The stranger doesn’t look in the least bit approachable. They talk for barely a moment. Whatever Brock says seems to make the new guy mad, and it takes a lot to keep myself composed when Brock practically runs to the safety of his friends. And they wonder why the other submissives aren’t throwing themselves at them. Pretty boy looks aren’t all they’re cracked up to be in a place like this. Especially, pretty boys with a drinking habit.
Once again, I let myself get lost in the strokes of my pencil on paper. I don’t even realize I’ve done it until I’m putting the finishing touches on the kneeling girl… she’s me.
“What are you drawing?” I jump at the deep rumbling voice.
I know who it is before I even look up. I hug the sketchbook to my chest protectively, before raising my eyes. I’m not sure how it’s possible, but he’s even more handsome up close. My fingers twitch around the pencil when I notice his nose is slightly crooked and not as straight as I’d initially thought. The need to fix his likeness is strong, but I resist. I don’t want him to see what I’ve drawn.
“I didn’t mean to startle you, sweetheart.”
“I-it’s okay.” I want to kick myself for stuttering. I close my eyes, and take a deep breath, willing my nerves to settle.
“Can I see your drawing?” he asks gently. My eyes pop open, and I’m met with kind yet demanding eyes. Lordy, he’s got the look. The one that is subbie kryptonite. Well, at least for this sub.
“I’d rather not… sir.” I remember my manners half a beat too late. He might not be my dominant, but he is a dominant, and that deserves a modicum of respect.
He nods his head, not looking at all surprised at my denial of his request. “Mind if I sit?”
I’m not exactly sure where he intends to sit… I’m in the only chair that’s nearby. One of the reasons this is my favorite spot to sit is that it’s secluded. Well, as secluded as it can be in a roomful of people. It lets me be part of the group while being able to be apart from them. It’s not that I don’t like hanging out with the other littles. I do, it’s just hard being the only one in the room that doesn’t want to play with toys or board games or dress up.
I would typically hang out with Candace and Alice. Both are littles who don’t do the whole playing with toys and dolls thing. They do humor me and will color while I draw if they aren’t off playing with one of the single daddy doms. Unfortunately, Candace had to work tonight, and Alice has a huge exam first thing in the morning and wanted to squeeze in another study session.
Awkwardly, I rise from the chair, still clutching the sketchbook to my chest. “You can sit.”
The man looks at me a little dumbstruck as if he didn’t anticipate my actually letting him sit. Probably because of whatever stupid thing Brock told him about me.
“I didn’t mean for you to get up.”
I look up and up until I’m able to meet his gaze. “There’s only one chair,” I say with a shrug.
“But there’s a lot of carpet.”
Wait, what? He was going to sit on the floor? It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve seen a dom, especially a daddy dom, down on the floor, but usually, it’s when they are playing with their submissives. Brock and his little group would never think of doing such a thing. There are a lot of doms that would think something like sitting on the floor while a submissive sits in a chair is beneath them.
I can’t help asking him why. “Why would you sit on the floor? You’re a dom. Unless I’m completely reading you wrong.”
“Because I want to talk to you, and it would be rude to kick you out of your chair because I selfishly want to get to know you. Besides, any dom who wouldn’t gladly sit at his submissives feet isn’t worth his weight in salt.”
“But I’m not your submissive.”
“Not yet,” he says with the kind of surety only a dominant can have. Then he sits in the chair and pulls me down onto his lap. I gasp in shock and try to wiggle out of his arms, but he holds me firm. And God does it feel good. It’s been so long.
“Everything okay here?” I glance up and notice Levi, one of the dungeon monitors, standing a couple feet away. Andre has everyone on his payroll on Sugar watch.
I glance at the stranger whose lap I’m in, then back to Levi. “Yeah, I think so.”
Levi gives my stranger a warning look before going back to his spot against the wall. He’s so unobtrusive in his observation that I hadn’t even noticed him in the room until he approached. Only the best spies for Bidden and Bound.
“Good girl,” my stranger says, brushing a lock of my hair behind my ear. Goosebumps erupt along my skin at the mostly innocent touch. Or maybe it’s the deep rumbling praise that causes the shiver of pleasure to rush through me. Both are goosebump worthy, for sure.