Page 17 of Claiming His Wife
Even though it nearly kills me, I pull away from his hold and leave feeling dejected and confused.
Chapter Eight
It’s been nearlytwo months since Mallory moved out. Every single day I come home to an empty house is like a fresh level of hell. I hate everything about this separation. Even though I see her nearly every day and we text and talk on the phone constantly, it still sucks. I want my wife home. I want her in my arms. I’m trying to be patient, but the struggle is real.
Mallory refuses to come back to the house, which means we haven’t had sex since our argument and it’s fucking killing me. How the hell I survived eighteen months without her, I have no clue. Seeing her dressed up, kissing her sweet lips, hearing her soft moans as she rubs herself to orgasm—because phone sex has become part of our routine. I take her out, and she sends me dirty texts as I drive home, until I’m on fire and ready to come in my pants. I stumble into the house and rip my clothes off my body as I dial her number. She answers breathlessly because every single time she is touching herself in anticipation of my call.
I know she’s being driven just as crazy as I am by all this teasing. She’s just being stubborn at this point. Logically, I know she’s still worried. She wants to know what caused me to grow so distant and I don’t have an answer for her. I fucked up badly, but I’ve shown her in every way possible that I’m all in and that things have changed. No more late nights at the office. I don’t answer calls when we are together. I haven’t worked a single weekend since she left. I’m not sure what else I can do, and I’m afraid that until I figure out what caused the problem, she’s going to keep us in limbo.
Is it really so important?
Shouldn’t we focus on the future and not the past?
I shake myself out of these morose thoughts. I’ve got better things to think about… like the surprise I’ve got planned for this weekend. Zack and surprisingly, Jen, have helped me plan a weekend getaway for Mallory. Tomorrow when I pick her up for our date, I’m driving us straight to the airport where we will catch a quick flight. I’m taking her to Paradise Cove, a quaint town on the coast of Maine where we spent two glorious weeks on our honeymoon. It’s not exactly beach weather, but if things go according to plan, we won’t be spending much time out of our bed.
I’m pulled away from my fantasies by a text message. I can’t suppress the smile when I see it’s from Mallory.
Hey. Sorry to do this on such short notice, but I have to cancel our lunch today.
That’s another thing that I’ve made sure to make a habit of… lunch dates in the middle of the workday. At least twice a week we meet for lunch. It’s a nice distraction from the daily grind, and I have no idea why I never made time to do it before. One thing this separation has opened my eyes to is that work is not the most important thing. Not even close.
Everything okay?
Her response is instant.Yeah, everything is fine.
I’ll miss you. I instantly regret that text, cringing because it sounded seriously desperate.
I always miss you.Annnd now I feel ten feet tall because even though she’s canceling it’s obvious, she doesn’t want to. I’m curious as to what caused the cancellation, but I don’t want to pry. If it was something important, she’d tell me.
The workday crawls by, and I’m ready to pull my hair out. Mallory has been quieter than usual, and I can’t help but wonder what’s going on with her. I consider stopping and picking up tacos and surprising her at Zack’s, but I don’t want to push. Especially since I’m going to be testing her boundaries tomorrow. Zack is confident she’ll be happy about our little getaway, but I’m not so sure.
I decide to text her. I’d rather save up my surprises for tomorrow.
How does Taco Casa sound? I could pick some up and come by. Zack’s still out of town so we won’t have to share.
I shut down my computer and lock up my office, excited at the thought of seeing Mallory.
Sorry, tonight isn’t good for me.
I read her reply a dozen times wondering what the fuck could make tonight not good for her. A burst of jealousy rushes through my body like a jolt of electricity. Surely, she’s not seeing someone else. She wouldn’t do that. But if it’s not someone else then what the hell could it be?
I wait to see if she will elaborate, but my phone stays silent. I shut off the screen and drive myself home, jealous indignation burning through my veins.
* * *
Mallory didn’t calllast night, and she hasn’t texted me once today. To say I’m upset is an understatement. It’s nearly five o’clock, and I’m watching the seconds tick by, six o’clock can’t come soon enough. I’m just getting ready to leave when my phone chimes.
I’m so sorry, but I have to cancel our date tonight. Something came up.
What the actual fuck? Hell no. She is not canceling on me again. Zack swore she was free this weekend, he told her there was a fake appointment with the cable guy on Saturday afternoon so she wouldn’t make any other plans. Jen asked her to take care of her cat on Sunday since she had a last-minute business trip that was magically canceled, so that leaves her completely free on Sunday.
Instead of replying, I shove my phone in my pocket and head over to Zack’s to whisk my wife away for the weekend.
Chapter Nine