Page 20 of Claiming His Wife
“Remember when I was up for that big promotion?”
She narrows her eyes like she’s trying to remember then nods. “Yeah… what about it?”
“We had just decided to try to have a baby.”
“I remember…” she says almost warily.
“The promotion was a big deal. I couldn’t see myself landing it while dealing with a newborn… the timing suddenly seemed wrong. I should’ve just told you I didn’t want to have a baby. We could have avoided all of this.”
All of the color drains from Mallory’s face. “Don’t want a baby…” she says slowly like she’s tasting the words.
“See, it wasn’t a big deal. It’s something small and stupid that turned into a big thing because I stupidly didn’t talk to you.”
Anger and hurt flash through Mallory’s eyes as she tosses her fork down. “Not a big deal?! Not a big deal?! Are you fucking kidding me? We talked for weeks about having a baby. You said you were excited! You spent every waking second we were together buried balls deep inside me telling me how you were going to plant your baby in me!”
Okay, so that is not the reaction I expected. I didn’t realize how upset this would make her. “But don’t you see, this isn’t a huge problem. It wasn’t something you did or me falling out of love or any of those things you’ve been worrying about. This was all just a lack of communication.”
“Lack of communication,” she repeats. “If that’s all you think this is then you are an even bigger bastard than Jen thinks.”
Mallory pushes away from the table and heads to the front door without another word.
“Mallory, where are you going?”
She shakes her head, meeting my confused gaze with her tear-filled one. “I’m going home, Scott. I’m going home, and then I’m going to take a shower and go to bed and try to forgive you for all of this.”
I’m left standing in stunned silence as she closes the door behind her. What the hell just happened?
Chapter Eleven
I somehow holdmyself together until I get home, but the minute I walk through the door and see Jen and Zack on the couch fighting over a bag of chips, I lose it.
“What did that fucker do this time?” Jen asks.
“He doesn’t want to have babies,” I stutter and sob, collapsing to my knees. I wrap my arms around my stomach, desperately trying to hold myself together.
“Are you sure?” Zack asks. “You guys always talked about a family. Three kids, two dogs, a cat, and a white picket fence. If I remember correctly.”
I half laugh half sob at the reminder. “Scott finally remembered what caused him to pull away from me… we were trying to have a baby, and he changed his mind.”
“That stupid motherfucker. I’m going to cut off his balls and feed them to him.” The cold determination in Jen’s voice is enough to make me pause in my sobbing.
“No, no feeding him his balls.” I take a steadying breath. “I’m done. I’m calling Antonio tomorrow to get the paperwork started for the divorce.”
Zack gives me a concerned look. “Are you sure that’s wise? I mean, don’t stab me, but should that be something you decide while you’re so emotional?”
“He doesn’t want babies, and I’m pregnant. It’s time to let go and move on.” My hand falls to my stomach. “This little one deserves all the love in the world, and I won’t force him or her on Scott. He would resent it. I refuse to let my baby live with a father that doesn’t want to be a dad.”
* * *
“Mallory!”His voice is a jolt to my system. I’ve been half dead for the last three weeks. I haven’t spoken to Scott, other than to tell him to leave me alone. My lawyer sent him the paperwork for the divorce two weeks ago, and he’s refused to sign or even acknowledge that this is happening.
“Go away, Scott,” I say as I let myself into the apartment building. “Sign the papers.”
“Never,” Scott says with conviction.
I do the same thing I’ve done every day for three weeks, I shut the door in his face and ignore him. I manage to hold back my tears until I’m safely ensconced in Zack’s apartment.