Page 3 of Claiming His Wife
Zack sighs in frustration. “Mal…”
“I promise I’ll think about it,” I reassure him. “It’s late. Think I’m going to go to bed.”
“Alright, sweets. Call me tomorrow.”
“I will… and Zack… thank you.”
“Anything for you. You know that.”
* * *
It’safter one in the morning when Scott comes home. Several minutes later he quietly enters the bedroom. He doesn’t turn on the light, assuming I’m sleeping. I watch as my husband strips off his perfectly fitted suit revealing strong muscles. As each inch of tanned skin is revealed, my heart rate spikes. I long to touch him and be touched by him. It’s been so long I’m starved for affection.
After a quick trip to the bathroom to brush his teeth, he makes his way to the bed and finally notices that I’m still awake.
“Why are you up?”
If I hoped that he would show even a tiny bit of enthusiasm that I waited up I was mistaken. His question isn’t because he’s glad to spend a little time with me or of sweet concern that I won’t get enough sleep, no it’s an accusation.
I lean up on my elbow, letting the sheet slip to reveal my lingerie. His eyes flick down to my cleavage then back up to my face without showing the tiniest bit of interest.
“I just missed you and thought maybe…” I trail off because Scott has that look of annoyance that seems permanently etched on his face.
“It’s late. I’m exhausted and have to be up early,” he says as he climbs into bed.
Not ready to give up completely, I scoot over until my scantily clad body is pressed against his. I press a kiss to his shoulder and run my hand over his chest, down his abdomen, I’m nearly to the waistband of his boxers when he grabs my wrist and pulls my hand away.
“What are you doing?”
I kiss his chest this time. “I figured it was obvious… I’m seducing my husband.”
Scott lets out a long-suffering sigh. “I just want to sleep. Is that too much to ask?”
He cuts me off before I can say more. “Good,” he says as he rolls over turning his back to me.
A few minutes later, his breathing evens out with sleep. I lay awake for hours thinking about what happens next. Zack is right. It’s time to move on even if it breaks my heart. I can’t live like this anymore. I love Scott but neither of us are happy, and we deserve happiness.
* * *
It’s beena week since the anniversary let down and today is the day, I’m telling Scott that I’m moving out. Zack and Jen have been helping me move my things to Zack’s place all week, and Scott hasn’t noticed. Not that I’m surprised.
Scott came home thirty minutes ago and went straight to his office. I put the finishing touches on dinner and set the table. After a steadying breath, I walk down the hall to the office like I’m walking the Green Mile.
Ugh. Quit being a drama queen, Mallory. You’re doing the right thing.I’ve been telling myself this all week, I’m still not sure I believe it.
“Dinner’s done.”
Scott briefly looks up from his computer, one of those automatic, polite gestures you make so the other person feels like you’re paying attention, but I know he’s not really seeing me. “I’ll be there in a minute.”
I don’t even bother responding. This time when I repeat my mantra, I believe it. Iamdoing the right thing.
Chapter Two
My phone dingswith the email I’ve been waiting for all day. I’m reading over the message, pleased to find out that the CEO for Thorton Markets likes our advertising campaign and has decided to hire our company. It’s a huge account that will double this quarter’s profits.