Page 15 of Daddy's Obsession
I’mrelieved when Gage doesn’t push to stay. I know he wanted to argue, but he relented. This dinner already isn’t going to be pleasant; having Gage irritate my mother further wouldn’t help matters at all.
“I ordered room service. It should be here any moment.”
I paste on a happy smile. “Thank you.”
“Well, someone has to force you to stick to your diet. I’m very disappointed with your choices lately. First, you make a fool of yourself in front of the paparazzi, and then you go off your diet. You’ve probably gained two pounds since I last saw you.”
I look to my feet. “I’m sorry, Mom, it’s just been a stressful time. I’ll do better.”
“And cancelling your fitting andMissMagazine. That’s unacceptable. People are talking and nothing they are saying is favorable. You’ve tarnished your reputation by being seen with that oaf of a man. You need to be seen dating someone on your level, not some low-brow bodyguard.”
“Gage isn’t just a bodyguard, he owns his own company. He’s a good man. Better than Brent. He treats me like a princess.” For the first time in my life, I stand up to my stepmother. It took her insulting the man I’m falling in love with for me to find the courage.
Our argument is interrupted by a knock on the door. Bridgette gives me a withering look before she goes to answer the door. There is a commotion and I turn to find Steve Nelson pointing a gun at my stepmother. Fear runs through my veins like ice. I knew he would come for me. He promised it wasn’t over and here he is. I never should have sent Gage away.
“What are you doing here?” Bridgette asks.
“It should be obvious I’m here for Estella. Though that bastard ruined her.” He turns his crazed, beady eyes to me and looks me up and down. “That’s okay, though, baby, I forgive you.”
Taking advantage of his distraction, Bridgette moves toward the door.
“Not so fast, bitch. You thought you could keep me away from my love? We had a deal, forty thousand dollars for me to take Estella away.”
I gasp in shock and shoot a disbelieving look at Bridgette, which she ignores.
“I’ve been rotting in prison while my girl,” Nelson shakes his gun threateningly at her, “has been flaunting herself all over the globe because of you!”
“Is it true? Did you pay him to attack me?”
My stepmother doesn’t even have the good sense to look ashamed. “He was supposed to kidnap you. But then that stupid makeup man had to interfere and this idiot,” she waves her hand at Nelson, “threatened to tell you everything and I couldn’t have that, so I tipped off the police.”
“Why?” I ask. “I don’t understand.”
“Isn’t it obvious, my dear? Money. I like a certain lifestyle and the paltry twenty-five percent isn’t enough. With you out of the picture, I would have complete access to your accounts. And after a year of you being missing you could be declared deceased and I would get the life insurance money.”
I’d like to say I’m shocked, but really, I’m not. My stepmother is greedy. She’s pushed me at every opportunity to do more. Take more jobs. More endorsement deals. Anything that would put more money in the bank.
Out of nowhere, Steve hits Bridgette with the butt of his gun and she falls to the floor in a heap. I cry out in shock, and even though she paid my stalker to kidnap me, I rush to her side. I don’t make it because Steve is faster. He grabs me by my upper arm and gives me a little shake.
“The bitch deserves it. She kept us apart, my love.”
I cringe away as he cups my cheek. Tears track down my face unbidden as I realize exactly how dire this situation is; he could do anything to me and there is no one to stop him. His time in prison didn’t lessen his obsession, if anything he seems even more off-kilter. He makes a move to kiss me and I push him away. His grip tightens on my arm and he grabs my face harshly, holding me in place. I kick and cry out.
I fight.
Last time, I was so scared I froze. Not this time. I refuse to give up. Steve Nelson will not win. I knee him in the groin and he instinctively drops his hands to cover his crotch, freeing me from his hold. Steve is between me and the exit, so I run for the bathroom. I slam the door and throw the lock. I look around for some kind of weapon, but there is nothing.
It doesn’t take long for him to start pounding at the door. “Open the fucking door,” he screams. I can only hope that he makes enough noise that someone will hear and call security.
“Go away! Gage will be back any minute,” I yell back, hoping against all hope that Gage is back soon.
I hearthe screaming as soon as the elevator doors open. I take off down the hall, determined to get to my girl. The door is locked, but I don’t let that stop me. I kick it open and nearly trip over Estella’s stepmother’s prone body. Steve Nelson is pounding at what I assume is the bathroom door while Estella screams at him to go away.