Page 35 of Unforgettable
I can’t believeshe’s kneeling at my feet.
After everything she’s been through, I would never ask this of her. In fact, before she curled her body around my legs seeking comfort, I was pretty sure she would deny her submissive side. We briefly talked about it this morning, and even though she there was trepidation, she didn’t completely shut the idea down.
Honestly, since the day she fell back into my life, I’ve been mentally preparing myself to live a vanilla life for her. Now I’m wondering if I’ll have to sacrifice that part of me. My cock throbs to life at the world of possibilities her submission brings. I squash those thoughts because it could be that she’s just seeking comfort. She saw Hannah kneeling at Slade’s feet and how utterly peaceful she looks and wanted a bit of that for herself. I remind myself again that I will take her however she comes. I refuse to live without her again. She’s mine regardless of the lifestyle we live.
I gently rub her scalp, then run my fingers through her soft hair. I repeat the motion until she is completely lax and making content sounds in the back of her throat. Fuck me, she’s perfect. Everything about this moment feels exactly right. I hate that we can’t just bask in this newfound closeness. Someone accosted my girl, and I need to know who and why so they can pay for scaring Rose.
I refuse to have her living in fear. She’s had enough fear for a dozen lifetimes. I promised her safety, and I’ll be damned if someone is going to threaten that without a reckoning.