Page 41 of Unforgettable
My heart bleeds for Rose.I should have known that seeing those pictures would trigger nightmares. I feel like a jerk for leaving her alone for so long. I should have been here, but I was stuck in my own anger over what Rose was put through. Even though it made me sick to my stomach, I went through each and every picture, forcing myself to endure the evidence of my failure to save her.
Rose whimpers in my arms, and I run my fingers through her hair and make soothing sounds. She settles back into sleep, giving me room to ruminate on how I spent my evening. I flex my hand, reveling in the ache of my knuckles. Upon studying the pictures, I realized that some of the men in them were prominent businessmen, a senator, and one very corrupt judge who happens to be right here in the city.
Needless to say, I had a fair amount of aggression to work out, and Judge James Holt got the brunt of it. The fucker didn’t even put up a fight. As soon as I mentioned Red House and showed him the pictures, he simply asked me if I was there to kill him. My reputation precedes me. But no, I wasn’t there to kill him. Beat him half to death and use him to get to the other fuckers in the pictures, absolutely.
Judge Holt won’t be frequenting any other brothels for the rest of his days, and he’ll be nursing his injuries for a long while. He’s also decided to take a nice long vacation. He got less than he deserved, but eventually, he will have served his purpose, then there will be no reason to not exact the full force of my revenge.
Kisten found where Grant was staying, but something must’ve tipped him off because he was long gone by the time he got there. He’ll be holed up somewhere like a fucking cockroach biding his time. It doesn’t matter. We will find him, and once we do, we will make him pay.