Page 12 of Daddy's Treat
“Is this a date? Because if it is, I should eat a salad because that’s what I’ve been told is appropriate date food. I mean, that’s what Lucy said. Not that she’s the best source of information, but she dates a lot. I meana lot. So she should know. Then again, if this isn’t a date, I can get my usual, and you won’t care…” I barely take a breath before barreling on. “I donotwant you seeing me as Penny-pie. I like being your shortcake. Really, really like it. It’s the best nickname ever. It does make me a little nauseous though because the butterflies go crazy when you say it—”
My voice stops working when Kade reaches across the table and rests his hand on top of mine. It’s like his touch is the off button to my crazy. Or maybe the on button to another kind of crazy because…wow. A simple, innocent touch from Kade has my heart pounding in my chest, and those butterflies I was talking about change in to starving pigeons. Which are terrifying, by the way. We took a family vacation to the New York once—a rare treat since my parents are both workaholics—and during our picnic lunch at Central Park, a flock of pigeons decided my sandwich should be theirs and attacked.
Obviously, it scarred me for life since Kade has his hand on me, and I’m stupidly thinking about pigeons. I wonder what that hand would feel like on other parts of my body? I think about last night and how his fingertips brushed against my… my… Ugh. Even in my head, I struggle with using the dirty words I have no problem reading in those kinky books I love so much. I give myself a little pep talk.
I can say dirty words. Ican.
I think about my body and manage to say tits—well, my inner voice says it. I then turn to lower things. I try to say it, but my mother’s voice is right there, scolding me for being unladylike, and my courage shrivels up like a dried prune. Maybe if I try a different word. There are a lot of words to describe a hoo-ha, right? I run through all the ones I’ve read, some sexy and some silly, then I remember this one book I read that had a daddy dom who didn’t like his little girl saying naughty things and so she called it a kitty.
I try that word on for size…
Kade’s hand on my bottom, his fingers moving slowly down toward my kitty, making me feel needy. He slips my panties aside and finds me wet as his fingers slide through my folds. Oh, that works.
I’m ready to dive right back into my little fantasy when Kade starts talking. I’m stuck somewhere between disappointment and ‘oh he has a sexy voice’ at being interrupted.
“That’s a lot you’re worried about. Let’s start with what to order. No matter if this is a date or not, you should always get what you want. Be yourself. If the guy you’re with has a problem with that, then they aren’t worth your time.”
I nod. I agree with that assessment. The types of guy Lucy dates are definitely not the kind of guy I would want to date.
“Now I’ve got a question for you. Do you want this to be a date?” Kade studies me closely while I consider how to answer without sounding desperate.
Do I want this to count as my first ever date? Would telling Kade that scare him off? I mean, I basically told him last night that I’m a virgin, so it’s not a far leap to get to the fact that I haven’t dated. He did say to be myself…
I decide to just go for it. What’s the worst that can happen. Hopefully, these aren’t my famous last words. Better yet, maybe I should just nod. That’s a safe thing to do when I’m this nervous. If I’m not careful, I will say too much.
I successfully nod my head yes. Congratulations to me for not saying every single thought in my head! Apparently, Kade isn’t as impressed.
“I need your words, shortcake.”
Poopsicles. Okay. I can do this. Be concise. No rambling. Here goes nothing. “Yes. I totally want this to be my first ever date. Look at you sitting there all Thor-Superman-y. Who wouldn’t want a date with you?
My hand flies to my mouth so fast and hard that it makes a smacking noise when it meets my face. I’m pretty sure I’m fifteen shades of red because I seriously just told him about my Thor-Superman theory.
Why? Why?Whyyy?
Kade smirks at me as if I’m amusing him. This is the moment he runs away from me, screaming. I just know it. But like so many other things, Kade takes it in stride.
“Good. Then this is very much a date.” The smile that spreads over his face makes him even more attractive. He wipes away the smile, looking serious for a moment. “And you better order what you want. I always want you to be honest with me. That includes being yourself because you’re perfect just as you are.”
Wow, is this the difference between high school and college boys and grown men?
I blush fiercely when Kade barks out a laugh that has people turning in their seats to look at us. Fluffernutter, did I just say that out loud? My head thumps down on the table in front of me when he confirms that most men his age have different priorities than college kids.
“Now, let’s talk about this whole Penny-pie thing. Why do people call you that?”
I raise my head from the table an inch and look at him through my eyelashes. I really, really don’t want to answer this. He already knows people pick on me and generally treat me like a leper, but this one thing is one of the most humiliating things. Especially since it’s stuck around so long and been said so many times that everyone has started calling me that.
He will find out one way or another, so it might as well be from me. I explain about eating pie in the house and how Lucy and some of the other girls found it completely unforgivable. They insinuated I was over-weight and that Penny-pie is their version of saying ‘piggy-pie.’
I sit up straight when Kade’s fist comes down on the tabletop. If I thought we got attention because of his laughter, that was nothing compared to this. Literally, every single set of eyes is on us. Even the cook is looking through the little pass-through window thing. He looks around the room, leveling everyone with his stormy gaze, and they all turn quickly back to whatever they were doing.
“Sorry, shortcake, I didn’t mean to scare you. That just infuriates me on your behalf. You don’t deserve that kind of treatment. Those girls are just jealous of you. You’re petite and have just the right amount of curves. There is an effortless beauty about you that could knock a guy off his feet if he wasn’t careful.”
I’m slightly dumbstruck by his assertation that the other girls are jealous of me. I don’t think a single one of them would want to be short and small boobed. They all wear high-heels and push-up bras—and a lot of them have had boob jobs.
Should it concern me that Kade seems to see something completely different when he looks at me than the rest of the world?