Page 31 of Daddy's Treat
Even though I’ve done everything I can do, I can’t stop stressing about what it’ll mean for my future plans if I can’t get into that class. More than once, I bang my head on the tabletop in frustration. Several times I reach for my phone to call Kade, but this isn’t his problem. I don’t need to burden him with it while he’s working.
My stomach growls, and I pull out my bag of candy corn. Kade’s rules flitter through my mind, but what he doesn’t know can’t hurt my booty. Right? Maybe it’s the knowledge that I’m breaking one of Kade’s rules, or the stress from my conversation with Dean Michaels or the disappointed look on Professor Schmidt’s face, whatever it is, I can’t concentrate on my work.
I close my book with way too much force and have to fight off the desire to throw it across the room. I need something to take my mind off of everything. I remember the assignment Kade gave me.
Write my biggest fantasy.
If ever there were a distraction, this would be it. Anything to do with Kade is my favorite kind of distraction. I consider my laptop for a minute, but it doesn’t seem right to write something like this in such a cold, informal way. I grab a notebook from my bag and my favorite pink pen.
At the top of the paper, I write ‘Shortcake’s Fantasy.’
I close my eyes and try to imagine what I would want to do with Kade the very most. Everything we did last night was incredible. I’m still sore between my legs in the most delicious way. I like feeling the proof that he was there.
Hmm… he who? Kade, yes. My dominant… I try the title on for size, and it doesn’t fit completely. I recall how it felt when I inadvertently called him ‘daddy’ last night.Thatfelt right. Dirty and taboo and a fantasy come true.
My pen starts moving across the page at lightning speed. Once I decide that Kade as my daddy is my biggest fantasy, the whole scene plays out in my head like a movie reel. It starts with something sweet and benign. Kade is brushing my hair while I sit on his lap. He’s asking about my day. I feel safe and cherished. Warmth spreads through my chest at the thought.
Yes, I want that. I want to be cherished and kept safe. I don’t want to have to worry about drunk frat guys trying to come in my room. Or mean girls verbally attacking me. Or a future that might not go as planned. I want someone else to take on that burden for me.
Daddy asks if I’ve been a good girl today. I don’t want to tell him the truth, but I’ve already broken two rules, so I don’t want to break a third by lying. “No, daddy, I broke two rules.”
He sets the hairbrush beside him on the bed and turns me to face him. He’s got a scowl on his face. “And what rules did you break, little girl?”
“Well, one I didn’t technically break, but it feels like I broke it. I didn’t skip class, but I couldn’t concentrate, and my professor lectured me afterward. He was so disappointed in me. I didn’t mean to break the rule… I just got some bad news, and I was upset.”
“You know how I feel about excuses.”
“I’m sorry, daddy.”
“What was the second rule you broke?”
I squirm in his lap because I know this one is going to make him mad. “Uhm… I kind of ate candy corn for lunch…”
Kade shakes his head in obvious disappointment. “So, you broke the spirit of one rule by not focusing in class, and you completely disregarded a second rule?”
I’m so ashamed I can’t even look at him. I nod.
“That’s five swats for not focusing in class and ten for not eating a proper lunch.”
Tears well up in my eyes, and I try hard to fight them back. I don’t know why disappointing daddy feels so much worse than anything else. Normally, I can fight back my tears, but anytime I’m being punished, it’s impossible to hold them at bay.
“Over my knee, little girl.”
I scramble over his lap, not wanting to disappoint him any further.
I’m jarred from my writing by laughter. I look up and realize Lucy and Tricia are standing over me reading my paper. I blush and close my notebook, then I start shoving things into my backpack. I want to get out of here and fast.
“Who knew our little goody-goody was a freak in the sack? I thought for sure you were a virgin. I should’ve known Coach was into some kinky shit when he started fucking alittle girllike you.” She enunciates every syllable in ‘little girl,’ making it sound like the most disgusting thing in the world.
Tricia makes a gagging noise, both of them are cackling like wicked witches as I run out of the library. As if this day couldn’t get any worse, now everyone is going to know about my naughty fantasy.
Today has beenone frustration after another. Two of my players are one bad grade from being put on academic probation. Which means they won’t be allowed to play. We have a championship game next weekend. I can’t lose two of my best players because they are fucking around in class.
It took a lot of convincing to get the professors to agree to give them another shot. They can turn in the homework they’ve neglected for half credit and retake the last test. If they can manage to get Cs, they can barely skate by with a passing grade.