Page 101 of Almost
His jaw falls open, and he laughs in disbelief. “You know about that?”
I grin at him, relieved to hear Bash laugh. “Absolutely. If only you knew the loose lips Mimi had when she had some wine in her system. I know all kinds of secrets about you, Sebastian Walker.”
“Please tell me more,” he jokes, and I splash him again. “Do we really have to be in the water? It’s freezing, love.”
“Absolutely. You can’t go to the beach, and not get in the water. Stop being such a wuss, and relax. I know it’s hard foryou to do with the stick up your ass,” I tease, and Sebastian smiles broadly, splashing me back.
I KNOCK ON the door, announcing my presence before stepping in the room. “Hey, man. What’s up?” I’m doing my best to keep an upbeat tone, but the scowl on Owen’s face causes my smile to slip. I know this is the new reality, but I’m not sure when any of us will get used to it.
Blake stands up, smiling in relief. “Hey, Bash.”
She’d sent me a text a little bit ago, asking if I could swing by the hospital to talk with Owen. I was helping Thalia put together the new bookshelf for the living room before I left to go to the stadium, but she said to go if Blake needed me.
“What do you think? The same thing I’m doing every day. Lying in this bed until the nurses come to take me for a lap around the floor. I’m living the fucking dream,” he says sarcastically, rolling his eyes. He’s in an extra special mood today, I guess. We’re all still trying to get used to this new version of Owen. He’s always been cocky, lighthearted, and fun to be around, but this Owen? He’s angry, bitter, and mean. The only person he’s nice to these days is Thalia. I’m not saying he doesn’t have good reasons for his newattitude, but he’s taking it out on the wrong people who are only trying to help him.
Blake sighs tiredly, and pulls her red hair over one shoulder. “I’ll be back in a few minutes; I’m going to get a coffee from downstairs.”
“Have fun,” I say cheerfully, but it’s taking all my effort to do so.
I’ve had a few sessions with my therapist, and we’ve spoken about Owen and how I want to help him, but he doesn’t want it. She told me that Owen has to want the help before he’ll accept it, and until that happens, all any of us can do is be there for him.
“So I got Zeus this new toy, and I think he loves it more than your sister. It’s a fluffy hedgehog that makes this grunting sound instead of a squeak, but I haven’t seen him this excited since he discovered snow,” I say, trying to get him to at least crack a smile. Thalia was rolling on the floor hysterical when she heard the sound, and honestly, I’m ready to buy a whole box of this stupid toy because of how much joy it brings her when Zeus squeaks it.
“I don’t need a babysitter. I wish you’d all stop treating me like a child,” he grumbles instead.
“Then don’t act like a child,” I quip, causing Owen to scoff.
“Whatever, Sebastian.”
It’s been almost eight weeks of this, and maybe it’s partially our fault for allowing Owen to throw this pity party for himself. I don’t care that he’s treating me this way, but the Owen I grew up with would be sick if he could see how he’s treating Blake.
She took a leave from work to be with him during his recovery, and he’s being…well, Owen is being his new special self.
I know he lost football, and his body will never be the same. I can’t even begin to understand what that feels like, but his wife is not the person to be taking that out on.
“No. It’s not whatever, Owen. You can’t go on being like this.”
His head turns slowly to look at me, his blond waves finally covering the scar on his head. “What exactly do you propose I do?” His tone is biting and cruel, but maybe it’s time someone gives him some attitude back. I know I should wait for him to be ready to accept help, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with giving him a push in the right direction.
“I think you could try not being an asshole to your wife. Blake is here every damn day, and you’re pushing her away every chance you have.” Maybe this is more of a shove than a push, but I’m not saying anything that isn’t true.
Owen’s nostrils flare as his jaw tightens. “Blake doesn’t need to be here. I didn’t ask her to come here every day. This isn’t what she signed up for, so if she doesn’t like it, she can leave.”
I must have heard him wrong. I can’t believe that just came out of his mouth. “You are fucking unbelievable. Blake comes here every single day because she loves you. She vowed to love you in sickness and in health, so actually, this is what she signed up for. Stop treating her like shit. If you need someone to take it out on, I’ll happily volunteer to be your punching bag, but Blake does not deserve it.”
“You mean, kind of how you treated my sister like shit for years when she didn’t deserve it? You’re one to talk,Walker.” He crosses his arms over his chest, looking the other way. “Leave me alone.”
“Unfortunately, that’s not how this works,” I reply tightly, standing up to go talk to someone who will probably tell me I’m crazy. He doesn’t have the external fixator in his leg anymore, and he’s been doing physical therapy for a few weeks now, but they’re waiting to discharge him until he’s stronger.
The nurses are hesitant when I propose my plan, but we can all see how miserable he is. Owen needs to get out of here.
Blake is back in the room, trying to talk to Owen as he gives her short-lipped answers. I hate how defeated she looks, but she’s not giving up. I bump the wheelchair against the door frame, and she looks at me in surprise.
“Sebastian, what are you doing?” she asks at the same time Owen glares at me.