Page 13 of Almost
REALLY? UNDER THE fucking flower pot? It’s like they’re asking to get robbed.
I shove the key into the front door and plug in my code for their security system, before making a beeline toward the master bedroom where I know Owen and Blake are still sleeping.
I know they’re sleeping because I called both of them and checked their locations. So odds are they’re either having sex or sleeping. I’m so mad I don’t even fucking care if they’re fucking.
They got me into this mess, and they’re going to help me out of it. I throw open their bedroom door after stomping up the steps. Both of them sleep like they’re dead to the world and in about thirty seconds, they’re both going to be dead anyway.
I burst into their room and take a moment to be grateful that they’re not having sex. Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve walked in on them, but I try to refrain from scarring myself any more. “You fucking assholes!” I yell, jumping on the bed.
Owen jolts wide awake, nearly pushing Blake off the bed in the process. “Shit, am I late to class?” he asks with a panicked look on his face before confusion warps it.
Blake groans and pulls the pillow over her head. “Why are you yelling?”
“What are you doing here? Wait, how did you get in here?” Owen demands, rubbing his eyes to help him wake up.
I grab the pillow away from Blake. “You told Kiera that I’m seeing someone and I’m pretty damn sure I’m not!”
She blinks and then her eyes open wide. “Oh shit.”
I throw the pillow at my brother who looks just as confused as I am. “Why? Why would you do that?” I cry out because I’m actuallyreallymad at her. But I’m even more mad at Sebastian.
“Blake, what did you do?” Owen groans and Blake sits up as I step backward on their mattress.
“So I kinda maybe told Kiera that you’re seeing someone? She was asking if you still had feelings for Bash, whichclearlyyou don’t. I mean, you two can’t even be in the same room without arguing. I just thought it’d be more believable if she thought you had a boyfriend!”
I drop to my knees at the foot of their mattress, trying not to scream. “Yeah, well now she wants me to bring said boyfriend to their house for dinner! Dinner, Blake! What the fuck am I going to do?”
Owen’s jaw drops as he turns to look at Blake in horror. “You didn’t. Please tell me that Thalia is having one of her dramatic moments, and you didn’t stir the pot.”
She puts her hands over her face to hide. “I’m sorry! I thought I was helping.”
“You really didn’t help at all by telling her that! Now I have to find someone to go on a fake date with me to the house I used to fucking live in! Correction, you have to find someone for me to go on a fake date with because your little lie got me into this mess.”
“Oh god. I just want to go back to sleep and pretend this is a nightmare from hell. I’m changing the security code so you can’t get in again. Where’s the reset button for the morning?” Owen moans, pulling the comforter up over his head. Yeah, must be nice to be able to hide from this under the blankets.
“Why don’t you just bring Nathan with you?” she asks, referring to a guy who I’ve hooked up with in the past. He’s another photographer I’ve worked with, and those trips abroad make it easy for things to happen.
I scowl at her. “And subject him to another night of arguing with my ex? Do you not remember what happened last time I brought him to dinner with my family and Sebastian?”
That night was horrible. Sebastian and I ended up bickering the entire night, and it was miserable for everyone there. Kiera missed out because she had to study for a test if I remember correctly.
Owen snickers from under the covers, and I throw the nearest thing to me at his head. It happens to be a shoe.Oops.
“Okay, so not Nathan. What about Eric? You guys were cute together and he knows Sebastian, so it’s not like it’ll be super weird?”
Eric and Natalie broke up a year after Bash and I did. After college, Eric opened up his own contracting business and actually did some work on Blake and Owen’s house.That’s how we ran into each other last year. We immediately hit it off, ended up dating for close to seven months. Ultimately, how much I was gone ended things. It was more of a friendship with benefits than anything, but Eric was sweet. I liked him. We broke up a few weeks before I came back in October for Mimi, but we still talk occasionally.
I open my mouth, ready to sayhell no, but it’s actually not a bad idea. “I’m sure it’ll be plenty weird. From now on, before you tell Kiera anything about me, please just fucking run it past me first.”
“I really am sorry.”
I glare at Blake who is smiling apologetically at me. “You suck.”
She climbs out from under the covers to hug me. “I know I do.”