Page 93 of Almost
Because of my concussion, I’m not allowed to do anything more than flip through old photo albums. No television, no light, no going to the hospital, no phone. It’s kind of all ridiculous and it’s driving me crazy. I can’t even work on editing the photos I took for the magazine because everything I currently have is digital. So no work either.
The break in my arm happened when I fell, and was too high up for them to put a cast on it. So I’m stuck in a sling for four weeks. It isn’t any fun, but it’s better than the alternative. I could be in the hospital still with Owen.
I’m currently curled up in bed with my arm positioned on top of a pillow for support. I don’t really feel like doing much of anything right now.
There’s a knock at my door, and I don’t bother responding because it’s either Sebastian or Penelope. They’re going to come in regardless of whether I want them to or not. I realize how that sounds, and I do want them here. I’m just angry.
“Lia, they warned me you looked like shit, but damn…I didn’t realize it was this bad.”
I sit up quicker than I should have, causing the hammer in my head to resume pounding, and the throbbing in my arm increases from the sudden movement. “Chris?”
He steps in, leaving the door cracked behind him. “Hey. Bash called me earlier, and mentioned you could use some cheering up. Looks like he was right. When’s the last time you showered?”
Ouch, but he’s not wrong. It’s hard to shower with only one hand, while making sure I don’t get the stitches on my face wet. “I thought you were in Florida? It’s Allie’s week to have Henry; you should be there.” Chris had flown to Florida the same morning I flew back from Vermont.
“That was a week ago. I got back late last night with Henry.”
What? It wasn’t a week ago? It’s only been, like, three days?
He must understand my confusion, and Chris sits on the corner of my bed. “Thalia? Are you okay?”
I wipe my hand over my face, trying to make sense of how many days it’s been since I was discharged. I could have sworn it was only a few. “I’m good. I’m just…”
“Confused,” Chris answers for me, smiling reassuringly.
“Yeah, confused. Sorry, I thought it was Thursday.” It’s a little scary hearing how off my timing was. How have I lost five days? It doesn’t make sense.
“It’s Tuesday.”
I force a smile and nod. “I knew that. They all end indayso it’s easy to get them confused.”
“It’s okay; you don’t need to explain. We’ve all gotten our days mixed up. What have you been up to?” he asks, and I might be concussed, but I can still tell that this is awkward. The last time we spoke was when Chris told me that he needed me to take a step back from Henry because of Allie.
I use one hand to motion at the dim room we’re sitting in. “This. This is what I’ve been doing, and while I appreciate you stopping by, I know my relationship with Bash isn’t good for you to be associating with me during the divorce, so don’t feel like you need to stay.”
He at least has the nerve to look embarrassed, which makes me feel slightly better. “Lia, I was upset about Allie when I told you that. I’m sorry for taking it out on you.”
“You really hurt my feelings,” I admit, remembering how awful it was to hear him say that as long as I was with Sebastian, I couldn’t be around Henry until the divorce was finalized.
Chris scratches the back of his neck, unable to meet my gaze. “I know. I’m not proud of it. Actually, I’ve felt really shitty about it. You’ve done nothing but help me since everything started to go down, even with everything goingon in your life. I was scared of losing Henry when Allie threatened me, and I let fear control my emotions. He’s my kid, Lia.”
I know they’re not related to me, but I love Henry and Chris like they are. Chris is like another older brother to me, and we definitely fight like it sometimes too—actually, more than sometimes.
“I spent most of the week on the phone with Sebastian getting updates on you and Owen. I wanted to fly back early, but I didn’t feel comfortable leaving Henry alone with Allie. Bash has a plan, though, I’m willing to try, but right now, all I want to know is how you’re feeling?” he asks again, and if it wasn’t something I’d been asked a million times since everything happened, I’d probably try harder at responding nicer.
I scowl and turn away from Chris, despite his kind apology. “I’m tired, scared, and angry. Everyone is treating me like a doll that’s going to break, and I just want to see my brother. I’m fine, but no one will listen to me.” I shift to lie back on the bed when he surprises me again.
“Let’s go see him then.”
Again, I move too quickly, and I inhale sharply as pain spikes up my arm for a moment. “That’s not funny to joke about. Penelope is never going to let me leave without clearing it with Sebastian since they’re all buddy buddy now. Bash won’t agree unless my doctor clears it. Knowing him, he’d probably get a second opinion if that doctor agreed.”
Chris chuckles, clearly thinking I’m joking about how overprotective both of them have been. “I’m serious. You’re an adult who can make your own decisions. Penelope took Henry to get ice cream so if you want to go, there’s no one here to stop us. Honestly, I can’t blame him for beingcautious. I saw the video of the accident someone posted online, and it’s hard to watch.”
“Someone took a video?” I ask, my mouth growing dry. I didn’t know that.
“I’m sorry.”
Curiousity is getting the better of me, but I don’t remember anything other than hearing a car before waking up in the hospital, hearing that Owen was in surgery, and his condition was critical. “Can I see it?” I ask, and now Chris hesitates.